Fall in Cleveland
With the thought that this is likely our last fall in Cleveland, I’ve felt a real desire to capture the fall experience here. Scotland loves jumping in the HUGE leaf piles. One of the things I love most about motherhood is modeling. I love that I showed Scotland the joy of walking through leaves, that…
Runner's high
I ran at the North Chagrin Reservation today. It was perhaps the most breathtaking run I’ve ever had. Allow me to wax poetic: The weather was perfect, 60 and sunny. The trees wore their most festive fall colors: bright greens, vivid reds, playful oranges, and charming yellows. They mixed breathtakingly into an ever changing rug…
19 Months- Scotland
Lately, Scotland has started pairing sticking his tongue out and difficut tasks. Today, however, he was just being silly. Scotter picked up my cold. The last few days I’ve been savoring long stretches on the rocking chair- cuddled together reading books. The other day we ran into Cody and Jen at the library, when…
Sometimes, it's the little things
This is one of my favorite parts of our house. . . . . . the arching faucet, the gleaming granite, the marble window seal, and the verticle lines of the backsplash. Granted my sink rarely shines like this, but when it does it sings of serenity. I have a very large sage plant right…
Home updates
My blog used to be as much about our house as it was about our family- back when our house was our baby. Now that we have Scotland, the house has fallen in priority, but I still fiddle around with it. Here’s a few recent updates: Homemade chalk board in kitchen- Who knew you could…
Scotland's Milestones: 18 mo
One of Scotland’s favorites is to sit on our shoulders and run around the yard. He’ll come up to me point to my head then say “Ahee?” – his version of outside. I’ve found my reports on Scotland are slowing, perhaps because he is developing so fast now, I can’t keep up with it all.…
Fun Happenings
Last Friday, Tom was working nights so Scotter and I hit the town with our friend Claire. She likes to call Scotland “Boyfriend.” Scotland really took to it! He sat by her the whole night, and even held her hand as we went for a walk afterwards. (Something he never does with Tom nor I.)…
Tonight, after coming home with bags of incredibly, fresh produce from my CAS, City Fresh I whipped together a Potato and Corn Salad that was delightful. The corn, was the best I’ve had in years. I purposefully picked the long skinny ears, knowing those would be less starchy. (I’m really not into starchy corn. Yuck!) They…
Sour Dough Bread
I baked my first two loaves of sour dough bread today. (I’ve been in the process for three days now.) My friend, Janelle gave me a starter that has been kept alive in her family since the 1950’s. Considering how lax I was with the prefermenting stage I am pretty impressed with the results. The…
Hocking Hills Camping Trip
I used to be wary of getting too excited about things, least I be disappointed. It still happens. But now, I’m better at realizing that I have a lot of choice in wonderful something turns out. That being said. . . Our camping trip was a huge success. Allow me to elaborate: We took off…