It's fall, we went on vacation
Summer has been over for a good month, but it’s really felt like it the last week or so. There’s been a culinary shift. We eat pretty seasonally, since the bulk of our diet is vegetable based. Butternut squash has replaced green beans, applesauce- fresh berries. Today I made a batch of Myrtle’s applesauce. Grandma…
Dr. Thomas Jonathan Foutz
May 19, 2013 Tom received his MD and graduated from Medical School. Despite a heavy dose of jet lag, we were both very glad we made a point of attending his graduation. We also felt very grateful to have Tom’s dad, Stan, there for support. Where’s Waldo Tom? Reading the Hippocratic Oath I was surprised…
Soaking up Cleveland
My emotions have been strange these past weeks. I tend to be quick to cry- be I happy, sad, or angry. I just have over-active tear ducts. That being said, they’ve been particularly refined these past weeks. I had my final student voice recital Friday- no tears. I cried my eyes out a few years…
Right now in the packing when 3/4 of our stuff is in boxes, I have this overwhelming desire to leave it all behind and start fresh. Can you have an estate sale before you die? Lot sale, anyone? Unfortunately, there’s no time to sell anything else. So I guess it’s coming with. I gotta say…
The final before and afters!
It’s sad, in a way, that right when we have our house as we like it, we are moving. But that was our intent when we bought it, so it feels as it ought. We set out to leave our mark on Cleveland in a positive and beautiful way. How crazy it is to think…
Savoring Spring
I love this time of year when the world is erupting in life and color. Knowing that this is my last spring in Cleveland I’m particularly savoring the changes. I’m loving these purple-hued dogwood buds agains my amber forsythia. There is about a week each spring when the baby burning bush leaves are so new,…
Kamik Rainboots in RED!
A few weeks ago I mentioned my fixation with rainboots. Something about our imminent move to Seattle has convinced me that buying rainboots is top priority. And I tend to be rather one-track minded. At first I was convinced that Hunters were the way to go, their blog’s summary of their long and illustrious history…
Bread day- multigrain flour and wheat gluten addition
I’ve been making our bread since before Scotland was born. You’d think two years would be an adaquet amount of time to master my simple recipe. Unfortunately, I’m still rather inconsistent. Sometimes it’s a result of my experimentation, Maybe I’ll add three cups of rye flour this time, or I think I could really half the…
Birdseed Waffles
Scotland woke up this morning requesting pancakes. In keeping with our “Enjoy Cleveland” week, I thought, why not? So we headed downstairs, tied on some aprons and had at it. We made a slight digression from pancakes to waffles when I found a recipe I had printed out a few weeks ago for multi-grain waffles…
I'd love your support
Just wanted to give a shout out to any Clevelanders. I’m giving part of the sermon at our church this Sunday. I’d love your support, if you can come. The meeting starts at 10:45. The chapel’s address is 32895 Cedar Rd. Hope to see you there!