I love this time of year when the world is erupting in life and color. Knowing that this is my last spring in Cleveland I’m particularly savoring the changes.
I’m loving these purple-hued dogwood buds agains my amber forsythia.
There is about a week each spring when the baby burning bush leaves are so new, they’re transparent. When the evening light shines through them, they glow! Its a favorite spring spectacle that I look forward to each year.
The tulips I planted last fall are blooming, which delights me, as I was worried I might miss them! I love the white double tulips with their spiky green outer petals, they contrast beautifully with the classic red.
Tonight, was one of those idealic spring evenings. We enjoyed our dinner on a blanket on the lawn, lingered outside way past bedtime playing in the dirt, admiring the flowers and savoring the golden light. Oh, how I love my little plot of earth.