This is one of my favorite parts of our house. . .
. . . the arching faucet, the gleaming granite, the marble window seal, and the verticle lines of the backsplash. Granted my sink rarely shines like this, but when it does it sings of serenity.
I have a very large sage plant right outside my kitchen door. We rarely actually eat the sage, but from time to time I’ll take a clipping and bring it inside. I love the fragrance, the textured leaves, and the perky branches. Having clippings next to my sink, be they flowers or foliage, is one of the simple pleasures in my life. I will go months without my sink-side companion and then suddenly one day the thought will come and I’ll wander outside to find something to cherish. The joy it brings me always makes me think: it’s the little things that make life full!