One of Scotland’s favorites is to sit on our shoulders and run around the yard. He’ll come up to me point to my head then say “Ahee?” – his version of outside.
I’ve found my reports on Scotland are slowing, perhaps because he is developing so fast now, I can’t keep up with it all. Here’s a few highlights:
-fake laughing
-hide and seek
-attachment to his teddy, owl and blankie. (He always makes sure he has all three when he goes to sleep. What do we do when we travel?!)
-learning systems, he knows and often leads the steps towards bedtime. First wrestling, then books, then scriptures. . .
-reading in different locations. Scotters not a huge reader, yet. He’s much more interested in the many different positions he can take up while I read books to him. We’ll start on the rocker, then he’ll invite me to the rug, then his chairs, then. . .
-best friend. Scotland has a best friend, Cody (or is it Jen?) He loves playing with him. The two are so cute together and feed off of each other in such sweet ways. Cody is a dare devil, and Scotland definitely comes back with more bruises and scratches when they play together, Scotter is more social and tends to be the one to get the two laughing and being silly together.
– Dada? Scotland is more aware of Tom’s absence now, and asks about him several times a day.
-helper- putting potatoes into the pot, putting clothes down the clothes shoot, putting clothes in the dryer, putting away his shoes, bringing us our shoes (even if we don’t want them).
-Playing with other kids. Scotland never wants to come home after he’s been at other people’s houses. I’m never sure how to take that. Worried that I’m not doing a very good job as as mother, or happy that I have a confident independent child. He doesn’t run to me excited when I pick him up after being babysat, rather he cries and runs to his sitter. Hmmm?
-tools, trying to use pens as screwdrivers,
-duplos, he’ll work and work and work with them, often getting very frustrated when he can’t get them to do what he wants. I’ve been so proud of his persistence. One time he took a stack of three of them into his crib for nap. I heard him taking them apart and back together for a good 15-20 minutes before he finally fell asleep.
-Makeup. He loves to sit on my vanity and watch me put on my makeup, while playing with all the small containers. He is particularly fond of putting on chapstick.
-brushing teeth