Clavicle Fracture
After a wonderful visit to my parent’s for two weeks, Scotland and I are back. Unfortunately, the day we got back Scotter had an unfortunately fall and broke his collar bone. The first few days were a bit rough- I’ve been trying to keep him from putting any pressure on his arm because it hurts…
Shopping Fun
Today, I had my first real shopping cart “fun” with Scotland. He stood up in the seat, so I pulled him out “for a minute.” When the time came for me to check out, I needed to put him back in the seat. I literally couldn’t get him in. He was holding on to the…
Looking back
I’m working on putting our blog from 2011 into InDesign so I can publish it. It’s been fun to go back and see pictures from the past year. I’ve been particularly interested, that sometimes the pictures that I chose to put on the blog then, aren’t the pictures I would choose to put in the…
So I wrote a long post on this subject about a week ago, and then decided it was more appropriate for my journal than this public blog. But I’m going to include some of my thoughts here now, because I’m really interested in your opinions. I rarely ask for comments (though I always appreciate them)…
Garden thoughts
This week has been glorious! The last two days have been in the 70s and the sun has been brilliant and intense, like it hasn’t been in months. The grass is greening up and the trees are budding. My daffodills are getting ready to bloom. The morning is orchestrated by birds. I saw my first blue…
Scotter's a walker!
Yesterday, I was cooking when out of the corner of my eye I saw Scotland walk from one bank of cabinets to the other. What, Scotland has never chosen to walk of his own accord. Apparently, it was his test run, because he’s been walking all over since. It’s funny because the night before I was…
For a laugh. . .
I’m not sure why, but this really cracks me up.
I don’t do a very good job of covering what Tom is up to on this blog. I want to be better at including his side of the story. However, I can’t resist documenting this “review.” Cameron McIntyre one of the leader researchers in the field of deep brain stimulation described Tom this way in…
Food Happenings
I know, I know it’s taboo to talk about food you’ve eaten, but I can’t resist. Last Friday our Grandma Myrtle hosted a gumbo night. She specifically asked me to make sure that everyone made themselves comfortable. She wanted it to feel like on big family. I love this picture because it shows that her…
Want a trip around the world?
Check out Eric Lafforgue’s flickr albums. Amazing!