Sunday- blogging day
Tom has had to work the last two Sundays, but today he is off! It was so wonderful to sit by him at church and be able to share Scotland’s wiggles. Tom’s work schedule has been intense, 70+ hour weeks. He probably saw Scotland for a total of five hours last week. I won’t claim…
It's time to blog
I always know when I’m long over due to blog because my mind keeps going over and over ideas that I haven’t hammered down. Writing keeps me sane. The problem is, when I go this long, I don’t know where to start. Should I dig into our responsibility for the stuff we own, and why…
Least I forget…
Scotter latest thrill is dipping. He lives to dip his pancakes in applesauce his carrots in hummus. Today he wanted to hold the bubble wand. He would dunk it in the bottle several times then pull it out and bring it right to his lips, and blow. We spent the evening picking dandelions. On occasion…
How have I never had baked sweet potato before now? With a little butter and brown sugar on top- divine!
Maybe it’s spring, or perhaps the raft of visitors we are looking forward to this month, but I’m seeing my home with new eyes and feel like its time to purge!
Milestones- almost 14 months
Scotter will be 14 months a week from tomorrow. Here’s his latest: -saying tuh, tuh, tuh while he wiggles his fingers and tickles you -saying buh buh buh while he “beeps” your nose -saying “AH” as he holds out a cheerio, piece of bread, etc to feed you -says “hah, hah” and waves his hand…
I wish I had a place in my yard where I could go where I didn’t have to worry about small dogs attacking me, neighbors gawking, or loud phone conversations. A place where I could lay out a blanket, lie down and write in my journal without being observed by the whole neighborhood. I wish…
Sisters' Weekend!
So it’s been a week since I arrived home. . . I’ll blame Scotland’s broken collarbone on my negligence in blogging thus far. Not to mention I always find blogging about family events rather awkward, as the main reason I blog is for said family. Alas, for my own remembrance: I went a week early…
Scotland's first bike
Doesn’t he look like a politician passing through town waving to his constituents? A big thanks goes out to Tom’s lab. They generously provided the Target giftcard that purchased this bike!
Backing up- Zoo with the Athen Petes
Okay this is for my own record keeping. This is about a MONTH late. But the pictures were too cute to pass up. Last month we met up with Trevor, Lauren and their kids for an afternoon of zoo and BBQ in Colombus. Was Scotter’s hair really this long? Wowza! Tom’s the best dad ever.…