Interesting comment on organizing personalities.
I recently read this comment posted to an article on Houzz. I thought it was very insightful. I think I’m mildly overweight. What are you? All due respect to the ladies, but I am starting to believe after twenty years of helping people weed closets, garages and WHATEVERS as I decorate their homes, that organization…
Yesterday, was one of those days when I was so contently domestic. I baked bread and rolls, sifted together a pancake mix, and made chicken stock. (Fortunately, after a terrible mishap last week while making bread this weeks turned out terrific.) The pancake mix was a new attempt and I’m sold. We’ve had pancakes for…
Nest update
I can’t tell you the joy this nest has brought me. I check in on it a couple of times a day. The thing that is particularly neat about this robin family is how involved the father bird is. I often see him there with the Mother feeding their nestlings. This picture isn’t great, it’s…
Friday: Family Fun
We like to say Friday is Family Fun and Saturday is Date night, typically that means Friday evening we focus on doing fun things with Scotland, but last Friday Tom took the whole day off and we headed out for a staycation. We spend the morning in Tremont a west-side suburb of Cleveland, visiting some…
After much contemplation, I decided to participate in “This is Kirtland” this summer. It’s a musical theater production our church puts on to honor the people who sacrificed so much to establish The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I’m not proud of the way I approached the auditions and first rehearsal, but I’m…
Girl's Weekend
This weekend my friend Meg was here from Texas. She’s been through a lot lately, and it was Claire and I’s attempt to bring a little joy in. As it turned out, the timing couldn’t have been better. It was wonderful to have a chance to be together again, the three sopranos. Our friendship is…
Family Fun-
Tom had a more flexible week last week, so we took advantage of it and headed to the Children’s museum for the first time. Scotland was mostly entranced by two different ramps they had, but I was impressed by the assortment of activities available. He’s still a bit young for some of it- there’s a…
Easter and Brayley's
I uploaded the pictures from my camera and realized I failed to blog on some fun events! I’m nearing the end of nap time, so, this will be a quick picto-log of some fun happenings around here: Yes, we celebrated Easter. The Saturday before we attended the ward egg hunt. Scotland was thrilled with the…
If I was staying here long term. . .
I would fence in my backyard. I would get a screen door for the kitchen. I would reconstruct the sunroom so it was insulated with radiant floor heat. I would build larger window boxes. I would replace all the windows. . . . If.