I uploaded the pictures from my camera and realized I failed to blog on some fun events! I’m nearing the end of nap time, so, this will be a quick picto-log of some fun happenings around here:
Yes, we celebrated Easter. The Saturday before we attended the ward egg hunt. Scotland was thrilled with the two eggs. (I’m afriad his age, combined with his wrapped arm resulted in some rather slow egg hunting. He couldn’t compete with his much quicker elders.) One of the eggs was one we brought- filled with dried fruits. He loved it. The second had a sticker- he didn’t get it. He was a bit jelous of his bud Cody’s loot- a pencil and a bouncy ball!
Because he had so little chance to actual get eggs at the ward hunt, we did our own at home on Sunday. (Tom had to work, so it was just Scotland and I.) He loved carrying his basket around, but he didn’t understand why he would need more eggs when he already had a few to enjoy.)
I sang “Oh, Divine Redeemer” in church for Easter. A real treat for me. I so appreciate an opportunity to sing, especially when I can sing about something I feel so deeply about.
After Tom got off work around 4:00 we headed up to Oberlin to have dinner with the Mary, Steve and Lydia. The meal was delicious as always, and the company lovely!
True to Foutz-get-together style: The tech products came out. Scotland had his first playtime on the IPad. He LOVED it!
Last weekend, Cass, Doug, Archer and Amelia came for a visit. It was wonderful to have them here. We miss not being able to see them as often, now that they live in Boston. Amelia is such a little charmer. Archer was such a kind playmate to Scotland. One time while we were all upstairs talking we heard the two of them downstairs start giggling uncontrollably. It was so sweet to know they were having fun, and becoming friends. Scotland loved having a playmate.
We couldn’t get enough of Amelia’s beautiful eyes. They just swallow you!
I had my prime lens on when this moment occured, and wasn’t fast enough to find the setting when I could get both boys in focus. I love my duet bench! Look at Arch’s smile and little nose- so sweet!