I’m working on putting our blog from 2011 into InDesign so I can publish it. It’s been fun to go back and see pictures from the past year. I’ve been particularly interested, that sometimes the pictures that I chose to put on the blog then, aren’t the pictures I would choose to put in the book now. Or more often, that pictures I chose not to put on the blog then I want to put in the book now. Pictures like these:
From a photography standpoint, the red lines of the jean quilt steal the attention from the true focus- Scotland and I’s interaction. But looking back, I don’t care, the moment is precious.
There’s nothing particularly special about this picture. Scotland has plenty of pictures of he and I. But I don’t have any pictures of me with my Mom when I was a baby, and I so wish I did. So, when I see pictures like this I get all sentimental.
This was the impetus for this post. Isn’t this picture hilarious! What horror film were we showing him, you may ask? Your guess is as good as mine!