Decorating doldrums
Perhaps it’s the change of weather, the fact that it’s dark so much earlier, that my shades are drawn longer, or that we’re inside more, but I’ve felt an overwhelming desire to decorate my house. To make it cozy, inviting. To make it- me. I pulled out the frames, the nails, the hammer, determined to make…
Wardrobe conundrums
This Sunday was a classic representation of my day to day struggle with dressing myself: First, I put on a comfortable long black dress. Hmmm. I look like a sausage. Added a scarf. It didn’t help. Oh well, I guess that’s just life for the next couple months. I wore the dress for about an hour,…
Looking back
I’m working on putting our blog from 2011 into InDesign so I can publish it. It’s been fun to go back and see pictures from the past year. I’ve been particularly interested, that sometimes the pictures that I chose to put on the blog then, aren’t the pictures I would choose to put in the…
Postpartum hair loss- it's real!
P.S. The Svelte Sentiments comics have returned. After a brief “maternity leave” I’m back at it!
Dance Away Your Worries
I came across this blog post on President Bush’s impressive dancing abilities. After hearing, and often pronouncing criticism of him, I have to say that I’ve actually grown to like the man. Though I can’t say I agree with all of his decisions and view points, I don’t agree with the demonizing of the man…