After a wonderful visit to my parent’s for two weeks, Scotland and I are back. Unfortunately, the day we got back Scotter had an unfortunately fall and broke his collar bone. The first few days were a bit rough- I’ve been trying to keep him from putting any pressure on his arm because it hurts him so much. It’s kind of like having a baby again- I had to keep him in contained situations and carry him around a lot more. Today he’s feeling a little better, and the calous is starting to form- joining his two bones. I wrapped his arm this morning and he’s been so much happier with the ability to walk around and play more. He’s learned how to get to standing with one arm, his three prong scoot is coming in handy, and he’s learning to walk without his arms out in front. We’re so proud of our little tripod!
This whole experience has been really eye opening. While a broken collarbone is a common childhood injury, seeing Scotland in such pain has really shook us up. I’d do anything to take his pain away. My love for him has grown immensely, as has my protective side. Tom said yesterday that it has really brought things into perpective for him. He’s been working really really hard in hopes of getting an honors in his Internal Medicine rotation. After our trip to the emergency room an honors didn’t seem nearly as important as spending time with his little boy. Thankfully our visit to the ER was for a broken bone, but what if it had been something much worse? We don’t believe in living our lives in fear, but we do believe in avoiding regret.
We’re so proud of you Scotland. Your brave, optimistic attitude despite your obvious discomfort is inspiring.
3 responses to “Clavicle Fracture”
We will have two tripods for dinner tomorrow. 🙂
OH MY!!! I’m so sorry to hear that! Sweet Scotter – what a trooper. I agree that it is so hard to see our little ones in pain. How long do they think it will take to heal?
So sorry to hear about Scotland’s injury! I hope he’s better soon!