Category: Life

  • A sad story

    I was over joyed about a month ago when I noticed that a robin was building a nest in the lilac right outside my kitchen window. Everyday I delighted in watching her progress. Unfortunately, the joy ends here. Last week I started to worry when an entire day passed without sign of the mother robin,…

  • All in a years time

    This morning I walked by CIM on my way to the Botanical Gardens. Seeing the school immersed in spring splendor brought back memories of a year ago when I graduated from there. I smirked thinking how much my life changed my life since then. Last May I had no idea that in one year’s time…

  • Thoughts

    Tuesday was one of those oppressively gray and dismal rainy days. Scotland and I unconsciously decided that such a day deserved nothing more than a lot of reading and snuggling. At one point during the day as I was rocking Scotland to sleep and listening to “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” I started to dose off,…

  • Rain Rain

    I’ve officially switched from “April Showers bring May flowers.” to “Rain Rain go away, Me and Scotter want to play!” I feel like this spring has been particularly rainy. Today I waited and waited for a chance to go outside with Scotland, but the gray persisted and the rain kept falling. So, we stayed inside,…

  • Craving Dirt- closed

    After much consideration I’ve decided to “close” my Craving Dirt blog, and just add my gardening posts to my main blog: Thanks to all those who followed here. Happy Spring!

  • Orange Princess

    Last year Tom bought me these “Orange Princess” tulips. They were a “Tuesday gift” – a “just because” gift. I’ve waited eagerly for them to come up all year. They were definitely worth the wait. I adore them! They are a shorter tulip, with a double bloom. There is a touch of purple in the…

  • Happy Easter!

    We had a simple but lovely Easter. I have found memories of hiding eggs, finding eggs, and dressing up in a springy Easter dress with bonnet. I was afraid Scotland would never forgive me if I dressed him in a dress and bonnet however, so we resorted to this cute sweater vest. Speaking of bonnets-…

  • Baked Alaskas!

    Tom and I went on our first date since the baby last night. Our friends, Jen and Clark, have a son Cody, who is two months older than Scotland. We’re swapping babysitting every other weekend. I was surprised at how wonderful it was. Tom and I often have time together at the end of the…

  • In response to comments on the "True to yourself" post:

    Thanks to all those who commented on the “True to yourself” post. Several of you brought up the fact that being true to oneself might not encourage the growth necessary to become all that you can be. I would suggest however that the promptings of the spirit are often so internal that they are often…

  • True to oneself

    I’ve been greatly influenced by two books I’ve read this month: “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin and “The Artist’s Way,” by Julia Cameron. Together they have affirmed my belief that being true to oneself is the highest of pursuits. This concept of being true to oneself became very real to me when the topic…