Happy Easter!

We had a simple but lovely Easter. I have found memories of hiding eggs, finding eggs, and dressing up in a springy Easter dress with bonnet. I was afraid Scotland would never forgive me if I dressed him in a dress and bonnet however, so we resorted to this cute sweater vest. Speaking of bonnets- what happened to those? And why don’t little girls wear white gloves any more? That was one of most fun parts of Easter. It may no longer be vogue, but when I have a little girl- we’re bringing it back!

Thanks goes to Tom for setting up the camera to take this little family shot. I just love how it turned out. It feels like a bit of lifestyle photography because of our house in the background. Unfortunately, during the time it took to set everything up (sitting the camera on a ladder) Scotter fell asleep, so sorry you don’t get to see his bright smile! (Which was probably for the best since we had to set a slow shutter speed to get this lighting.)

The highlights of this year’s Easter?

  • Singing in the choir- the fortissimo “Allellujahs” just thrilled me. (How else can one properly sum up the magnitude of the Resurrection?)
  • Reading and quietly pondering the symbolism of the parable of a shepherd, who, unlike a hireling, is willing to give his life for his sheep (John 10).
  • Receiving an Easter basket from Laura.
  • Spending Saturday morning with Myrtle.
  • Cooking with Tom.
  • Dinner with the Evans.

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