Black Beauty
I am very proud of these two beauties. Last year I only got one eggplant about a fourth of this size and it had a huge bite out of it. I sliced these up, roasted them and made a delicious pan of Moussaka.
I haven’t posted in a while, which I sadly must admit, reflects poorly on my garden activity this past month. Heat combined with other interests and pursuits have meant that besides picking, watering and occasionally weeding and perhaps edging my garden, I’ve spent little time out there. Fortunately, hard work in the spring are resulting…
Back to School
A couple of days ago I stopped in at CIM to drop of some checks off for some fellow performers I arranged a gig with. Despite the 8:30pm hour and the fact that it was a week before school starts, music from various instruments flowed from the practice rooms and concert halls. It’s a sound…
Called to Serve
Friday night my family gathered around cell phones all around the US to listen in on a conference call as my youngest brother, Devin, opened and read his mission call. (He’s worked every summer since before he was legal, to earn enough money to pay his way so he can serve as a representative for…
I'm becoming a box and can girl
I’ll blame it on the fact that this year’s summer has been the hottest on record so far, with our home’s average temperature being 80 degrees, the thought of cooking over a hot stove or warming up the oven long enough to cook anything substantial has become a thing of the past. The first year…
By far my favorite aspect of the Iphone/Ipod craze is the ability to listen to audiobooks. I spend much of my days alone and there is nothing more wonderful than to be able to cruise through books as I paint walls, clean rooms, or pull weeds. I’ve always felt a little “behind” when it came…
Blue Room Stage 1
Here’s the original, original. We took this carpet- 3-4in long shag- long ago, but the wallpaper has remained up until yesterday. I actually didn’t mind the wallpaper but it was quite dirt and ripped in places, so it really needed to be removed. Strip wallpaper- Check!Wash walls- Check! As you can see there are plenty…
Slowly, slowly we have added some artwork and family photos to our walls. My ubber-talented sister, Brigette, painted this for me as a wedding gift. I learned to adore wild poppies when I was studying abroad in Italy. This painting hung forever in my kitchen, but due to a change in color scheme it was…
The green room continued . . .
The green room has looked like this since Tuesday! Big improvement eh? I love the calm green walls and bright quilt. I made this quilt of myself as a graduation gift, and used it all through college. The room is still in need of a bit of decor. I hope to find a different lamp,…
If you struggle with Cleveland rain. . .
. . .plant a garden. Now, I love it!