First Eggplant!
Okay, no, I’m not harvesting my first eggplant, but hey, this is pretty exciting! If this little guy is starting now I’ll probably have a purple beauty in a couple of weeks.
Speaking out
Recently I came across this article while looking for another. It discusses how despite how small the Mormon population is in America there is a surprisingly high percentage of Mormon’s holding high ranking business positions. The articles author Michelle Lodge ties it to missionary work, claiming that after the difficult work of knocking doors to…
We harvested our first squash last night. And we’ve already made two batches of pesto- thanks to our hedge of basil!
Bedroom continued
Our master bedroom is a slowly developing. Our latest update is that we stained our headboard and foot board in a rich brown mahogany. This was a fun upgrade because Tom and I did it together. I stained it and he applied the polyurethane. I love it when we both feel the same sense of…
Sabbath Day
I spent a good part of the morning, this morning, watching some of the “Mormon Messages” that the church makes- short videos with inspiring messages. By the end my heart was full and my eyes were moist. What a beautiful way to bring the spirit to my Sabbath morning. If you are looking for a…
"Green Eye"
In reference to my post two times ago, I thought this picture demonstrates what one is looking for as they develop their “green eye.” Several days ago I noticed that this cucumber was sending out feelers that it would then wrap around anything nearby- aka a basil plant and a pepper plant. I didn’t realize…
It's almost that time of year. . .
. . .When I start crossing grocery items off my list because they’re growing in my garden! I just discovered a couple of these a few days ago. Boy are my peppers loving the heat wave we’re getting. (Much more than I might I add!)yellow cherry tomatoesYellow crook-neck squashCucumber blossomsI had to add this picture…
I was looking around youtube when I found this picture. It sort of shocked me- she looked so much like me! Dorothy Collins Weird eh? I’ve been told I look like Katherine Heigl Or several people have said I look just like Marcia Cross from Desperate Housewives. Say whatever, all I can say is I…
Watering, watering, watering
It always seems around this time of year my energy for working hours in the garden wanes and I find myself enjoying just the watching period. Things are growing nicely, and besides a round of deadheading and weed pulling from time to time, I mostly just enjoy my garden as I water. And water you…
Even More Front Door
Check it out here.