Watering, watering, watering

It always seems around this time of year my energy for working hours in the garden wanes and I find myself enjoying just the watching period. Things are growing nicely, and besides a round of deadheading and weed pulling from time to time, I mostly just enjoy my garden as I water. And water you must. With the weeks of dry heat we are getting, plants really must be watched closely. Pots should be watered everyday, and in-ground plants should get regular water.

The term “green thumb” has always puzzled me, it makes more since to say “green eye” as I think successful gardening is all about observation. Look at your plants daily and if they suddenly start to look different, try to figure out why? Either they need more water, less water, more sun, less sun, more nutrients, less nutrients. Try a couple different things and often you’ll find you can quickly alleviate the problem.

Do your plants look a bit wilty? Hit them with the hose!

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