
I haven’t posted in a while, which I sadly must admit, reflects poorly on my garden activity this past month. Heat combined with other interests and pursuits have meant that besides picking, watering and occasionally weeding and perhaps edging my garden, I’ve spent little time out there. Fortunately, hard work in the spring are resulting in lovely rewards.

I’m growing five kinds of tomatoes this year: Romas, Beef Steak, Razzleberry, Ildi, and another beef steak like variety.

I thought I was planting Karma Hybrid peppers- red bell peppers, but I don’t think I got what I asked for. I’m not sure what kind of peppers these are but they have a nice flavor and my plants have produced an abundance of them. These are Eggplant Fairy Tale. They produce mightily and their flavor is excellent. They’re small and thus have to be used a little different than your typical Black Beauty.

The middle is a Garden Salsa Hybrid. This is the first red pepper I’ve ever grown. It has a nice bite, and spiced my salsa perfectly.

I knew this turned out well when Tom ate about a cup of it one night as a late night snack!

2 responses to “Harvest”

  1. Your mystery peppers look like Anaheim peppers, which is a pretty mild pepper. Your tomatoes are beautiful! It’s been a good year for tomatoes for us. We only had two plants and we’ve had so many, which more still ripening. I made some fresh (not cooked or canned) salsa last week, and pretty much ate nothing but chips and salsa that entire day.

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