Back to School

A couple of days ago I stopped in at CIM to drop of some checks off for some fellow performers I arranged a gig with. Despite the 8:30pm hour and the fact that it was a week before school starts, music from various instruments flowed from the practice rooms and concert halls. It’s a sound I have come to love and expect when I’m at school: an abstract cacophony of instruments all playing their own pieces at their own tempos on top of each other. It’s a sound I’m going to very much miss now that I am not returning. However, as I walked away from CIM and thought about how much I am going to miss those conversations in the halls with friends, those hours in the library, and the structure of practicing and classes, I noted that education is not exclusive to school and that mine can continue without paying for tuition.

Classes start on Monday for most, but mine start today. Starting today I am going to spend at least two hours in the library every week-day studying languages, reading great literature, or studying a subject of choice. Why am I reporting this on my blog, so you will hold me to it. When you call ask, how’s your studying going? I’d appreciate it. Tom recently sent me to a site listing “30 books Everyone should read before their 30th Birthday.”   The idea excited me, and I’ve set the goal! Hopefully I’ll read all of them far before my 30th birthday, hopefully in the next year. There are a few I might replace with others. What book do you think everyone should read before they’re 30?

Meanwhile, I’m more determined to sing everyday, get back to my piano practicing, and be even more professional with my voice studio. I want to do more listening, and attend the monthly free orchestra concerts at CIM.

I have been blessed with time, and I know I will be held responsible with what I do with it. Here’s to a new “year!”

3 responses to “Back to School”

  1. You always inspire us with your drive and zeal for making the most of each day. I still would highly recommend the book Sophie’s World for a history of philosophy slash mystery novel.

  2. wow. That is quite the list of books! I have to admit that I’ve only read two of those books all the way through and I’m older than 30. Some of them I started because I had to read them in high school, but honestly, I couldn’t stand them (Catch 22 especially). I think a couple of those I couldn’t get through in high school I could maybe do now if I had the time and there weren’t other books calling my name–like Mockingjay.
    I am so impressed with your veggies!! I wish ours had turned out better, but I guess it takes practice and more time to take care of them. If only I could do it in the fall and winter while the kids are in school!

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