Faces: 17.5 months
A few Scotland stories least I forget: Scotter has started to cry when people leave. Yesterday, he started to cry when Tom got ready to leave for work. Tom picked him up for one last hug. Immediately Scotter turned his head towards the door and with his back to me, used his back hand to…
Looks to be a good tomato harvest!
I don’t know if its the fact that we’ve had the hottest summer on record in many years, the driest year, or the results of Stan and I’s application of alpaca manure but my garden is looking tremendous this year! We’ve already harvest several eggplant, I have peppers ready to harvest my basil…
We're up to five, folks!
A couple of weeks ago Tom and I celebrated our five year anniversary by renting a jet ski and hitting the lake. We had a blast, laughed until we were gitty and smiling until our cheeks hurt. We sped out to the water crib, and took turns driving, ending by taking a dip in the…
City fresh, how I love thee!
I love my CAS. I don’t know why but picking those veggies off that card table, putting them in my self brought bag and bringing them home brings me joy every time. Today I grinned broadly knowing I was going to try bok choy for the first time. I could have bought it a hundred…
So my “Live the Dream” mindset only lasted about three days before I was back spinning my wheels again. I’m hoping hormones or some other passing condition are the cause of my recent inability to cope with life. Please allow me to wax on. This month starts Tom’s final year of medical school. Let me…
This is Kirtland!
If you’d like to see yours truly sing and dance come out for a performances of “This is Kirtland.” We have six more performances to go, hopefully you can make one of them! I promise you’ll be entertained and leave inspired. Here’s a sneak peak. Thanks to Rendell Ashton for the photography: Education Scene Feast…
It's coming. . .
This morning Scotter and I were talking about getting him breakfast. He pointed to his high chair, indicating he was ready to eat. I told him I’d be right back and ran downstairs to get something, when I came back up he was in his high chair. “Oh my goodness Scotland how on earth did you…
Live the dream
The past week I was in a bit of a funk. I was just spinning my wheels. I kept feeling like I need to make lists and organize my life, but doing so only made me more stressed and overwhelmed. While I felt “busy” I wan’t doing anything of much importance. After a couple days…
Great quote- need to work on this!
William Morris famously said, “Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
Scotland Milestones: 16 months
I keep thinking This is the best age ever, and then it just gets better. Though better isn’t the right word. Because I still love and miss the tiny new born age. I miss those first smiles. I miss those long feedings when I held him in my arms and read. But I adore his…