I don’t know if its the fact that we’ve had the hottest summer on record in many years, the driest year, or the results of Stan and I’s application of alpaca manure but my garden is looking tremendous this year! We’ve already harvest several eggplant, I have peppers ready to harvest my basil is huge- as you can see in the front of the bed above, and my tomatos are about as tall as me and full of fruit! I”m so excited. I planted quite a variety this year including several heirlooms. In the past I’ve avoided planting heirlooms thinking they wouldn’t be as hardy against the black spot fungus I often get. But so far so good. I’m so excited, it looks to be a plentiful harvest! I was determined to do a better job labeling this year and even bought popsicle sticks to do the job. I neatly labeled the first set of plants I put in, but got lazy (or distracted) and didn’t label the others. Now I’m wishing I did so I’d know which tomatos were performing the best.
I tried planting a bunch of peppers in a full sun bed I have on the side of the house. It was as poor choice. I haven’t worked on that soil at all, so it’s pathetic. The peppers have hardly grown, I’m considering transplanting them, but I’m not sure they would survive the heat. hmmm.