"Are we not all beggars?"
This morning reading Mosiah 4:16-23 I thought of the Romney-Ryan campaign and of my passionate Republican friends and family and wondered how they read these verses? My Catholic friend Claire and I were talking about the new Mormon-Catholic Presidentional bid, she said “Not that his budget plan is very Catholic” and I replied “Nor is Romney’s…
Scotland asks me questions all day long. He’ll jabber a long sentence ending in an elevated tone to signal a question and then look at me intently. I look back at him, deer-in-the-headlights. How do I respond? If I wait too long he’ll ask the question again. Usually I say, “Oh!” or “Sure” but I’m…
Bread bakers apprentice
My bread baking adventures continue. My first loaf of multi-grain hearth bread turned out okay. It wasn’t as lofty as I would have liked and I struggled transferring the loaf from the pan to the stone. The second attempt, a 100% whole wheat bread was not so good. It rose beautifully, was looking great but…
Life is so much better when I do yoga everyday. Why is it so hard to stay consistent?
Fun Happenings
Last Friday, Tom was working nights so Scotter and I hit the town with our friend Claire. She likes to call Scotland “Boyfriend.” Scotland really took to it! He sat by her the whole night, and even held her hand as we went for a walk afterwards. (Something he never does with Tom nor I.)…
Tonight, after coming home with bags of incredibly, fresh produce from my CAS, City Fresh I whipped together a Potato and Corn Salad that was delightful. The corn, was the best I’ve had in years. I purposefully picked the long skinny ears, knowing those would be less starchy. (I’m really not into starchy corn. Yuck!) They…
Blog Book!
I just finished the Blog Book up through 2011! I’m up to 163 pages. Now I just need to finish this year and I’ll be caught up! Last time I published the blog I used Blurb’s book editing software, it was fine, though tedious and difficult since I had to boot into Windows on my…
Sour Dough Bread
I baked my first two loaves of sour dough bread today. (I’ve been in the process for three days now.) My friend, Janelle gave me a starter that has been kept alive in her family since the 1950’s. Considering how lax I was with the prefermenting stage I am pretty impressed with the results. The…
Hocking Hills Camping Trip
I used to be wary of getting too excited about things, least I be disappointed. It still happens. But now, I’m better at realizing that I have a lot of choice in wonderful something turns out. That being said. . . Our camping trip was a huge success. Allow me to elaborate: We took off…
Despite the summer heat Scotter wanted to wear his hiking shoes today Next week we’re going camping and I can’t wait! I’m all excited for our first TRUE family camping trip. Both Tom and I camped a bunch growing up. Some of my fondest family memories were made in the mountains of Washington, alongside a…