I love my CAS. I don’t know why but picking those veggies off that card table, putting them in my self brought bag and bringing them home brings me joy every time. Today I grinned broadly knowing I was going to try bok choy for the first time. I could have bought it a hundred times at the grocery store to induce this novelty produced excitement, but I hadn’t. I love that my refrigerator looks like I own a prodigious garden- full of unpackaged veggies in the rough! I love how we eat more seasonally. I love the sort if people CASs attract. I love the weekly challenge: How am I going to incorporate all these veggies into our weeks menu?
This week: carrots, green beans, three types of squash, basil, a tomato, butter lettuce, kale, red potatoes, an onion, a bulb of garlic, bok choy, black berries
Maybe garden skillet? (oh, the memory of my Moms!)