I can't complain
This fall has been perhaps the most beautiful of my four years here. It has stayed warm far longer than usual, and as a result the leaves have lingered in their colorful coats.
"I'm in love with a wonderful guy!"
This week is opera production week, which means I have had rehearsals from 7:30-11:00 every night from last Thursday to this Sunday. Tom and I often decide what we want to eat for the week’s dinners on Saturdays so we make sure we have the ingredients we need. This week, I confessed to Tom I…
I am happy to report two new singing opportunities. I auditioned to sing “Come Unto Him” from Handel’s Messiah, and got the part for Dec. 9th for a sing-along Messiah, and then I will be singing the four recits for another church the next weekend the 15th! I’m really excited about it. I adore singing…
Bog update:
The bog is gone. It turns out the septic pipe broke, so sewer water crept up through the ground into our basement. Foul, I know. But, we have a fabulous landlady and she fixed it straight away. Now, thanks to many bottles of bleach, the smell is gone!
I am a femininist- a staunch one!
I just attended an art history class about feminism in art. I came away overwhelmed with feelings and new convictions. Namely, I feel a greater desire to be a mother. I feel passionately that mothers are overlooked in the world. That their role is demeaned and considered menial. The class was decisive in their opinion…
Is it bad if I would rather talk to my family, write to my family, and read about my family than do just about anything else? This morning I woke up early determined to use my extra hour thanks to Daylight savings to study for my French exam at 10:00. I got online to check…
Blog to our Bog
I have oft mentioned how thrilled I am to live in this lovely area and beautiful home. However such comments have been made with little consideration for one grand annoyance. Those of you who live in the dessert might not understand the occurrences that take place in our place, such as patches of mold/mildew forming…
Happy November!
As we promised, we have updated our blog template. We debated over several, one was a simple brown scheme, elegant and artistic, there were several autumn-y-falling leaf types, and this one. At first we thought we would choose the first, but when it came down to it, this little fantastical cottage won. We liked the…
7 things you might not know about me
So Audrey, darling sister that she is, tagged me. Again, I might add! Which means I’m supposed to respond to the question of what 7 things to people not know about me. I have struggled to think of anything, as the main readers of this blog are my family, and my closest friends. Let’s just…
I love teaching!
Last week I was teaching one of my students, Zoe. We were working a song with some difficult rhythmic passages. I was having her clap along with me, to get the feeling of the rhythm in her body. I noticed she was copying me, and realized that if I didn’t go to the root of…