Podcasts A lot of people have been asking about podcasts lately. They are completely FREE and a great way to fill commutes. They work on ipods, as well as other mp3 players (though I have an iPod, so I can’t help you with other stuff.) The idea is that you subscribe to the podcast with…
Dance Away Your Worries
I came across this blog post on President Bush’s impressive dancing abilities. After hearing, and often pronouncing criticism of him, I have to say that I’ve actually grown to like the man. Though I can’t say I agree with all of his decisions and view points, I don’t agree with the demonizing of the man…
Weekend Report
When I was contemplating marriage with Tom one of the things I worried about was my social life. What a joke! I have been far more social since getting married than I was before. This weekend we were out every night. Friday we drove up to Cleveland to have dinner and play games with…
Learning about myself through Daffodils
Three days after Valentines the previously solely green foliage of Tom’s gift of flowers burst into 7 beautiful daffodil blooms. With their leaves reaching upward they were a symbol of joy and delight. Every time I looked at them, I smiled. I love life and living things. A couple of days later, after a…
One WILD but Wonderful weekend!
The Acorda’s drove down from Toronto to spend the weekend with us. They arrived around 1:45am Friday night/Saturday morning. They brought in their loads and loads of stuff and within an hour there were blankets, sleeping bags, pads, more blankets, and pillows strewn all over the family room floor. Tom and I had…
Happy Valentines Day!
There were a lot of “Happy Single-Awareness Day” signs around campus yesterday. I think the relabeling is funny, and yet when I look around and see some of these people who have dedicated there lives so completely to themselves and their art, at times I wonder if they wouldn’t be happier with…
Athens Trip
Last weekend we visited with Trevor and Lauren and Bryce in Athens, Ohio. It had been awhile since we had seen them, and Tom had never been to Athens, and I had never seen their new house. We had a wonderful time. Trevor and Lauren, despite being sick themselves, scheduled a delightful weekend for…
300 level courses
I didn’t check thoroughly enough and off a whim decided to audit a class called “The Zen of Buddhism.” It sounded like an interesting topic, and as Tom and I hope to some day visit China I thought it would be informative. I arrived, a bit late, because the school’s website was down and I…
An audition- a new semester
I started out the semester by skipping the first day of school. Well actually, I had an audition, and I didn’t have any classes, but either way I wasn’t here. Monday I had my Cleveland Institute of Music audition, and I am happy to report that it went really well. Tom and I arrived…
In memory of our Prophet
We just found out that President Hinckley passed away today. We wanted to post a picture in memory of him. President Hinckley is “my prophet” in a way. He is the first one I have significant memories of. He called Tom on his mission. His optimism and spunk was contagious and his dedication…