We had a fun time this afternoon going through Kjirsti’s photojournals of her childhood. It’s incredible to me how little I actually know about her. She’s full of stories, surprises and hidden talents. It caused me to wonder how little I really know about all the people around me, even though I spend time with…
A picture of the hair- and pull aparts
Last night, Tom called to say he was coming home, earlier than I expected. I told him I would be teaching a lesson. So he volunteered to pick up dinner on the way home. Pizza he asked? or possibly Indian food. I told him to surprise me. I asked if I should make anything…
Report from home
I have been home for nearly a week now, and really enjoyed it. I have one more day, and then I head out for home on Wednesday. My favorite thing about coming home is seeing development. Children especially change so rapidly physically, mentally, and socially. Dantzi seems to have aged a lot. She is…
Tom's still alive!
I know, I haven’t blogged on here in a while; Kjirsti is doing such a great job keeping everyone updated, I haven’t felt like I had much to add. However, much to my loss, she is out of town for the week visiting the fam, so it’s my turn. The biggest news for me is…
Petersen's cliches
If you have ever spent a considerable about of time with a Petersen, you may have noticed that we are deliquents when it comes to cliches. We were raised by a father who loves and readily uses cliches, but somehow we never retained a memory clear enough to ever remember one correctly. For years I…
"I'm leaving today. . ."
So I guess by the clock I am officially leaving today for a week at home. I couldn’t be more excited. I think it was “Bridge to Taribithia” a movie that Tom and I just watched, and that I highly recommend to all you families with kids out there, or just those wanting to relive…
Photoshop, How I love thee!
This month I wanted to work on learning Photo shop and expanding my knowledge of photography. I have been checking out the Popular Photography magazines from the public library, perusing photographers galleries on line, and taking on line Photo shop tutorials. I have learned a ton. Here are some of my before and afters! Bridal…
I’m a failure. I didn’t call or send cards to Landen, Dantzel, Trevor, or my Dad. Sorry! I was so excited about going home to celebrate with Dad and Dantz, that I totally forgot that I wasn’t leaving until AFTER everyone’s birthday’s had passed. And somehow I didn’t write them down on my new calendar…
Primary, Running, and War
We had our first primary meeting with our complete presidency. Or 1st counselor was recently released and replaced with my friend and mentor Maimi Crawford. She is a much needed edition. She has been in a primary presidency before and is very organized, informed, and strong. The meeting was productive and efficient, and I came…
65 Degrees!
Today it was so warm I opened up the windows and went for a run with shorts!