I'm on Break, and other little things!
Break and Tom: Today officially starts my spring break. I excited to have a little more time to read, play the piano, bake, and visit Mary in Houston. In fact, most of the break we will be in Houston. Mary is having her Masters recital, and we decided to go down to support her.…
An exemplary professor
I too often like to tell crazy stories about Oberlin’s wild side, but rarely do I give it credit for its many virtues. I mentioned briefly in the previous post about the kindness of a certain music history professor; the story goes like this: I wrote a draft of my paper and submitted it Friday…
This week I have been stressed. I’ve allowed myself to be stressed, and I’ve stressed about being stressed. Why have I been stressed? Well because I had a Easter Program to put together and write for next Sunday, two midterms to study for, and essay to write, a house to air out, lots of…
Great news!
“Dear Kjirsti: I am delighted to announce that you have been admitted for study with Dean Southern beginning in August, 2008. Your admission letter, which will include specific procedural information, will be mailed within the coming week. Though you should receive it shortly thereafter, feel free to contact me if there seems to be unusual…
The Bean Blunder!
Doesn’t this pan lid look like it has big mean meanacing eyes! So I made a HUGE blunder this weekend, and unfortunately this time the consequences were VERY high. I was cooking some dried beans to freeze for later usage. Well cooking beans takes all day. So I had soaked them over night…
Quadruple the Ginger!
Tom took me to this great Chinese Import store a week or two ago. It was a bit of an other worldly experience, it was so authentic, but I picked up so crystallized ginger and ever since I have been dieing to make something ginger. That’s my main motivation is cooking, I buy one…
Happy Birthday Erin!
This weekend was Erin’s 21st birthday and junior recital. All of her family came out from Boston and we were delighted to have been invited into their celebrations. Saturday morning we hosted a waffle breakfast here for her, as that is the tradition in their family. Erin is the oldest of 5 and so…
Oberlin- land of the snows
Oberlin adorned in her fleecy white robe. We got more than a foot of snow on Monday, and it has continued to snow everyday for a couple hours since. I was walking home on Tuesday, and just started laughing at how hilarious everything looked. Bushes, held their snow like a new father holds…
Closing doors
I recently e-mailed several of you an article about closing certain doors to maximize productivity and focus. I have thought about it a lot since. I was, as the article proposed, shocked by the idea, and read the article more out of determination to prove it wrong as to learn from it. I take…
Blowed Up Stuff
Untitled Okay, just one more. Star Wars, according to a 3 year old: