Come have a peek!
(I took advantage of our clean house to try and get some shots for our listing. This time I shot in raw- why haven’t I been doing that? Wow. The results are dramatic.) Wanna, snoop around our casa? Come on in! And while you’re enjoying our “open house” I’d love suggestions on the staging, photography,…
Frugal February
We’re just over half way through the month and I’m about ready to throw over “Frugal February.” At least part of it. I was hoping to save money on groceries by simplifiying our meals and eating through our pantry. I do my grocery shopping at ALDI. It’s a German owned grocery store chain that has…
Thank you!
Despite the grumpy post last night, I’m very grateful to all of you for your thoughts and ideas regarding our house. My problem is that I want to implement all of them, and I just don’t have the time, energy, and in some cases money. Soo. . . I’ll do my best, and not let…
I feel like blah! Two days of intense house thinking, purging, cleaning, and rearranging has left me with a two-day long headache, a sense of imminent nausea, and general fatigue. Maybe I don’t have the gumption to take on such a task.
Spiffin' up the house
We had our realtor come do a walk through this week. In preparatio I spent the proceeding days cleaning, tidying and feathering my little nest. My Mom was sweet enough to do a Facetime walk through a few ideas, which helped a ton. It’s always fascinating to see your home through another person’s eyes. Which…
While away, I found myself stressing about all the details involved with preparing our home to sell. Now, at home, I’ve found myself excited by the prospect of staging my home. Maybe it’s the actress in me, but I love the idea of painting a scene. I’m excited to seek out those finishing touches that…
Sometimes, it's the little things
This is one of my favorite parts of our house. . . . . . the arching faucet, the gleaming granite, the marble window seal, and the verticle lines of the backsplash. Granted my sink rarely shines like this, but when it does it sings of serenity. I have a very large sage plant right…
Home updates
My blog used to be as much about our house as it was about our family- back when our house was our baby. Now that we have Scotland, the house has fallen in priority, but I still fiddle around with it. Here’s a few recent updates: Homemade chalk board in kitchen- Who knew you could…
Tonight, after coming home with bags of incredibly, fresh produce from my CAS, City Fresh I whipped together a Potato and Corn Salad that was delightful. The corn, was the best I’ve had in years. I purposefully picked the long skinny ears, knowing those would be less starchy. (I’m really not into starchy corn. Yuck!) They…
So my “Live the Dream” mindset only lasted about three days before I was back spinning my wheels again. I’m hoping hormones or some other passing condition are the cause of my recent inability to cope with life. Please allow me to wax on. This month starts Tom’s final year of medical school. Let me…