While away, I found myself stressing about all the details involved with preparing our home to sell. Now, at home, I’ve found myself excited by the prospect of staging my home. Maybe it’s the actress in me, but I love the idea of painting a scene. I’m excited to seek out those finishing touches that will add the polish to our home.
I just need to let go of the idea that anything I buy/make now, will likely not work in our next place. I should thrill at the opportunity to learn new skills and try new things. It goes back to that quote: “Some times the perfect is the enemy of the good.” Too often I talk myself out of doing good things because I fear I won’t do them perfectly. I need to dive in and make curtains, nail holes in my wall, paint furniture and finish off this little house of mine with vigor and enthusiasm, instead of overwhelming myself with thoughts of: “But will this work in my next house?” “Is this neutral enough to be universally liked?” etc…
What I really need is a plan. You know- 18in lamp here, 11x 14 frame there, make pillow like this for that couch, find throw in that color for this chair. Large plant in this corner, small figurine in that corner. Ahhh! I”m getting stressed… No! I’m getting excited.
(Fake it till you make it!)