So, we're living in Pocatello
Tom’s residency requires one away rotation. So for two months we’re living in Pocatello, Idaho. While it’s been strange to up and leave our life in Seattle, it’s resulted in all sorts of fun adventures. We were provided with a small apartment around the corner from the hospital. It’s a real change from our spacious…
Happy First Birthday Anders!
Our sweet Anders celebrated his first birthday last week. We had so much fun celebrating him, and I’ll admit as I tried to focus the entire day on him I was surprised at how rarely I give him that kind of attention. I appreciated focusing on his interests and teaching Scotland the importance of prioritizing…
Yesterday, Tom and I had a long chat about – lots of things. But one of the things we did was create an excel file that mapped out our life for the next 50 years. It shows what age we and our children (and hopefully future children) will be, and what life events will likely…
Mothering philosophies in conflict
Scotland loves to collect “stuff” from around the house and collect it into a common place. Sometimes the container is an emptied ziplock bag, a backpack, a cardboard box, or yesterday, a tent. He tends to continue to find things to add to his container until it is full. So you can imagine what sort…
The Christmas season
We had a long Christmas season this year. Typically Christmas feels so rushed, and I don’t feel like I have enough time to do all the things I want to do. This year was different. We decorated for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, and we started daily Christmas advent activities soon after. Then we celebrated…
Christmas photo shoot
I dragged out my “big camera” today. It’s been far too long since I used it and I was surprised at how comforting and rewarding it was. Dipping back into aperture and shutter speed was surprisingly fulfilling. Perhaps its time to pick up photography again! Because we’re waiting for Tom to be off work, we’re…
Christmas thoughts
Be prepared for random, though hopefully not intelligible, spewing. We decided to do Christmas cards this year. It’s the first time we’ve actually sent them out traditional style. Last year we e-mailed an update. I’ve always gawked at the price and in my self-centeredness, figured that if people wanted an update on us they’d check…
Parenting contemplation
Be the type of person you want your children to become. I might go so far as saying the above thought was revealed to me. I’ve done a lot of praying/thinking/pondering about what divine motherhood entails. The stakes are high for me. I want my boys to reach their full, eternal, potential. So, how do I…
Halloween 2014
We had a delightful Halloween. This marked Anders’ first Halloween, and Scotland’s first year going trick or treating. How I love the novelty of child rearing. It’s so fun to see holidays through fresh eyes. Scotland decided to be a dragon again. (Despite my Mom and Dantzel putting together a super fun pirate costume for…
Bryce's Baptism
A few months ago we decided to jump last minute on the chance to attend my nephew Bryce’s baptism. Tom found out last minute that he had an extra day and a half off so we packed up the car and made the 8 hour drive down to Klamath Falls, OR. I was nervous how…