A few months ago we decided to jump last minute on the chance to attend my nephew Bryce’s baptism. Tom found out last minute that he had an extra day and a half off so we packed up the car and made the 8 hour drive down to Klamath Falls, OR. I was nervous how the boys would do on such a long car trip (our longest to date with two.) But they were both terrific. (Lesson learned: Quit assuming things will be hard and thus not trying them. Try it out, and if it’s crazy learn out to remedy it for the next time. Live life!)
We stopped in Portland on the way down to make a little “family trip” out of it. We just hit a block of food trucks.
I found the food disappointing. I suppose my Kingston creperie has spoiled me. Regardless, it was fun to just sit down and “be” a family together. Scotland was most excited by a little tray for recycling bottle caps. He took a few and they were his “treasure” for a few weeks.
Oregon Institute of Technology: Tom, Anders, Scotland, Dallin
Our main reason for going down was to see Bryce’s baptism but I had also been dying to see Trevor and Lauren’s home. Trev took us to The Oregon Institute of Technology where he is a professor. It was fun to see his campus and meet some of his colleagues. It’s important to me to be able to visualize my siblings lives- where they live, work. It helps me feel close to them. So I was glad for the chance to see his office and campus.
While we were in the car about as long as we were there it was TOTALLY worth it. (Lesson learned: Sacrifice to be with family.) Seeing Anders and Miles playing together; watching Scotland and Dallin’s trading sessions; hearing Scotter and Claire’s giggles; and great talks with Lauren and Trevor that is what relationships are made out of. And there are few things more important to me than my relationships with my family.
I was so grateful for Tom for being so supportive and excited to make the journey. I’m always trying to be sensitive to his need for relaxation and sleep on his days off because he works so hard, so I was apprehensive about suggesting we go. When he found out he would have a three day weekend, he was the one who said “Let’s go! Why not?!” I was surprised by how giddy I felt once we decided to go. Obviously, I had really wanted to go, but I’d allowed so many other things to convince me otherwise. (The length of the trip, the expense, Tom’s need for rest, the potential chaos of the car ride.) As I mentioned previously, the whole trip felt really educational like me. Like it was being pounded into my head- don’t let worries get in the way of living the life you desire.
We had a super fun time at the park with the family on Saturday- playing soccer, and enjoying the playground. I love how Trevor makes it a point to get out and do enjoyable things. It’s so easy to stay at home and chat, but getting out and doing something more active always seems to be more memorable. I haven’t played soccer in a long time, and while I only got to play for a little bit (I hadn’t brought the right shoes, and my flat kept flying off every time I kicked the ball, so I eventually called it quits) but it felt SO good. I love soccer. I’d kind of forgotten.
Birthday boyTom- ever the attentive and loving uncle and father
Every time we visit Trevor and Lauren, Tom and I come away feeling impressed. They’re just a really wonderful couple with such a sweet family. I always feel inspired to serve more, to open up my home more, to be more humble, and to be more spiritual.
We took pictures at the baptism, but it must have been with someone else’s camera because I don’t have them. :(. It was a beautiful service. As I watched Bryce standing up with some of his peers from the Primary singing a song about baptism I was touched by his readiness. His parents have taught him to love the gospel, and it was obvious that he was fully aware of what he was undertaking, and fully desirous. His innocence was beautiful. Scotland has talked about Bryce’s baptism a lot since, and I’m grateful that he has older cousins that he can look to as examples.
I really adore this capture- even though the image quality isn’t great. Along with being able to be baptized, turning eight also meant Bryce can be a cub scout. He was SO excited and immediately opened the scouting book that his grandma and grandpa Jones gave him to get started. His Grandpa Jones sat on the floor and patiently helped him learn a few knots, soon Trevor and Tom joined the action- their own love of scouting, obvious. Seeing these three grown men- all Eagles scouts sitting around this sweet new initiate was powerful. How lucky Bryce is to have so many exemplary men in his life. How much better our world would be if every eight year old boy had this sort of masculine support.
One response to “Bryce's Baptism”
I loved reading this and remembering what a great occasion this was and how wonderful it was to have you there with us! The pictures capture it so well. We are grateful for the special bond our kids have with you all!