We had a delightful Halloween. This marked Anders’ first Halloween, and Scotland’s first year going trick or treating. How I love the novelty of child rearing. It’s so fun to see holidays through fresh eyes. Scotland decided to be a dragon again. (Despite my Mom and Dantzel putting together a super fun pirate costume for him. ) Anders was a frog.
Pumpkin carving with the Joy School kids. They all oo-ed and awed when we lit him up in Anders’ dark nursery. Library Halloween story time.
Last minute costume for Ward Halloween party. (I did a bit more eye makeup after I took this picture, and it really freaked Anders out. For about 5 minutes every time he would look at me he would look away and cry. It was really sad.
Our not so ferocious dragon.Our Ward’s nursery. Scotland is sitting on the knee of his beloved nursery leader, Bro. Kohler. He is such a sweet and gentle man. He and Scotland have such a neat relationship. Whenever we visit other wards Scotland will ask, “Is Bro. Kohler going to be there?” And when I told him that in a few months he’s going to be in Primary, he asked “Will Bro. Kohler be in primary?” He really loves him.
Okay, I was pretty proud of my jack o’ lantern. He reminds me a bit of Olaf from Frozen.
Ready to trick or treat. We went with our friends and neighbors the Hulets.
My Mom doesn’t like trick or treating, and I found myself feeling a bit that way- why would I encourage my children to go and beg for candy? I almost didn’t take Scotland out. Tom was working, it was past Anders’ bed time. “He’ll never know” I thought. But we went, and I’m so glad we did. We had a wonderful time! We met a bunch of our neighbors. I had never really thought about Halloween as a beautiful neighborhood togetherness holiday, but it really can be. People opening their homes to others. There were very few children that trick or treated on our street so those who were giving out candy were really excited to do so and were so kind and attentive to our kids. All of these homes that we have walked by a hundred times finally had inhabitants, with faces. It made me want to pull together a block party next year. I live around wonderful people, and I’d love to get to know them all better.
Excuse the near-naked shot of my son, but this was perhaps my favorite part of the whole night. (Not the nakeness, he was just distracted midway through getting his pajamas on.) I’m really strict with treats. Scotland next to never eats candy, and rarely eats dessert in general. So when he asked if he could eat some candy my first response was, “You can eat one piece and then its time for bed.” (This being the norm, he didn’t protest.) But remembering that in Tom’s family the policy was (as he can remember it) “You can eat as much as you want on Halloween, but then only one piece the days following” I decided to follow suit. Scotland was shocked and thrilled. When we got home he dumped out his candy (all of which is pictured) and systematically went through piece by piece trying each one, and always sharing equal parts with me. Most of these candies he had never eaten before. The novelty of the gobstopper turning colors, or the three round balls inside the whopper package was thrilling. He commented on each one, analyzing it, observing it. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. He was intent in sharing everything equally with me, which melted my heart. I didn’t really want most of the candy, but I couldn’t turn down his generosity. Sitting there on the floor watching his intense enjoyment I felt for a moment that I had returned to my childhood body and mind. I had flashbacks of Brigette and I’s own heated candy trades, and the joy of candy was fresh in my mind. It was a moment I hope I never forget. A moment I’m so glad I didn’t pass up in the rush to bed, and the pursuit of health.
Some friends of ours invited Tom and I to their Halloween party. It was super impressively done and so much fun. They even had a Clue-inspired mystery that ended in a coffin. It was fun to have a reason to get dressed up, and to spend time with some great friends sans kiddos.
These are all the ladies I serve with in the YW: Kathy Griffard, Kelly Lee, Lindsay Arb and Elyse Shuldberg. Love them! (Kathy- aka Ms. Peacock, made her and her husband’s costumes, she’s amazing.)
Tom decided to utilize his Venetian mask, and dressed up as a plague doctor. I followed suit as a Venetian dressed up as a Greek Goddess. Not too shabby of a costume for having thrown it together day of from the 75% off rack at Goodwill! Tom and I haven’t been to a party like this for a while and I was reminded of how much fun he is. He really got into the drama of the Clue mystery, which surprised me. I love that man!
Thanks Kathy and Andrew for the invite. We had a great time.