Be the type of person you want your children to become.
I might go so far as saying the above thought was revealed to me. I’ve done a lot of praying/thinking/pondering about what divine motherhood entails. The stakes are high for me. I want my boys to reach their full, eternal, potential. So, how do I do that. I think it’s as simple and as difficult as stated above. Accepting that challenge is stifling if not accompanied with the faith that the God who gave me this calling will also give me the power to magnify it.
[pic from here]
I’ve been contemplating Mary this week. What sort of woman would Heavenly Father choose to rear his Beloved Son? What did she do as a mother to support and bring out the characteristics we now attribute to Christ? What sort of relationship must she have had with Heavenly Father in order to make parenting decisions? It’s been an eye-opening study. If I want to raise my boys to be like Christ, is my calling much different than Mary’s? Do I view it with that sort of importance, that kind of reverence?
I want to.