Full term- full of joy
My due date was four days ago. I was two days late with Scotland and nine days late with Anders, so I expected it this time around. Especially since I’ve been measuring small. I can genuinely say I haven’t felt any frustration. I believe in letting babies come when they’re ready. So despite the many queries, I…
Happy Conference Weekend!
This weekend was our church’s spring General Conference. There are four general sessions, two each on Saturday and Sunday for two hours each session. It’s one of my favorite weekends of the year. I always come away from conference feeling spiritually edified and inspired. This weekend was no different. I’m grateful that baby is holding out, so…
Happy Easter
We had a beautiful Easter- spread over a few days. We dyed eggs Friday night for “Family Fun” we hid two sets of plastic eggs inside on Sunday and then hid our boiled eggs outside on Monday (Since Sunday was rainy and cold, and Monday was beautiful.) We had our spiritual lesson on Monday for…
Keeping it real
In a world of photo editing, Pinterest, and selective sharing, I always appreciate a good “real life” share. I came across these photos from Christmas and they made me smile. This is what our nativity reenactment looked like: Both boys were most excited about being angels. This is a carry over from last year when…
Happy Halloween!
Pumpkin carving: We started the holiday festivities off at FHE on Tuesday when we carved pumpkins, halloween music playing. Scotland carved a scary face, Tom a Tiger, and I a bat. Anders painted a pumpkin. Tom had him help him clean out his pumpkin. At first Anders refused but finally got in on the fun.…
Sunday thoughts
Oh agency, how we all wished for you, how God planned for you, but how hard it is to give you, use you. I work with the girls 12-18 years old at our church. Focusing mostly on the girls aged 14 and 15. It’s a tricky age group. They’re suddenly experiencing life through more questioning…
A post.
Oh, how I’ve pined to blog lately. I compose fragmented posts in my mind until I’m called away to more pressing matters. It’s already 10:00, and my head cold is urging me to bed, but I must write at least something. Clear my head a bit. Here’s what’s on my mind- in no order: Countertop…
The prayer system
I’m reading a book right now, and the author talks quite a bit about her habit of writing. I find myself feeling a bit jealous every time she speaks of it. Oh, how I’d love to have more time to write, I think. Then I realize, I have all the time I need to write,…
Scripture stories and primary songs- fabulous way to bring the spirit
I notice a huge difference in our day when we start with scriptures. My boys love these scripture story videos put out by the church. I’m amazed how much Scotland picks up, and it provides great content for conversation. Ideally, I’ll pick scripture stories that go along with what they are studying in Primary. I’ve also learned…
Cache Valley: Sabina and her family and two sets of Grandparents
After our visit with Getti, we returned “home” to see Tom for a few days before I got stir crazy and we headed back out to visit Sabina and my Grandparents in Cache valley. They were sweet to treat Scotland to yet another birthday celebration. (I guess he got four ’cause he’s four!) Really, it…