Ideas? Anyone!
So our guest bath features a strange combination of salmon and burgandy tile. Actually in the 40’s it was quite common. There are pictures from other desparate home owners all over the internet with the identical tile. All searching for ideas on how to update their art deco bathrooms. I bought a shower curtain at…
Weekday projects
All of the tile in the main floor half bath is now removed. We took out the cabinet in there as well. So as soon as they finish installing the vent, and patching the holes from the electrical work I should be set to texture and paint. I was thrilled to see they had tiled…
Beatrice et Benedict
Today I had my audition for this fall’s opera. I felt like it went okay. I was so excited about it all day. I warmed up and things were going great. My voice was warm, I was getting my breath coordination, and I was able to keep things light so my high notes were relaxed…
A weekend of Labor
Labor day weekend was full of labor around our place. We were delighted to have Erin and Natalie Durham and their friend Sara stay with us Thursday night, Natalie and Sara continued on their cross country road trip to Provo from Boston, and Erin spent the rest of the weekend with us. She was such…
Cleveland Institute of Music
This week marked my first week as a first year Masters student at Cleveland Institute of Music. I was very nervous on Monday. Which is odd for me. I’m still not quite sure why I was so nervous. I think part of it stemmed from the realization that now I would be a grad student…
I don’t know if it is that business Law class I took in college, or just an aspect of my character but when I write something down it becomes contract to me. Hence, when I blogged yesterday afternoon that my next project was going to be the bathroom, I suddenly felt that it must be…
Ahh! Cleanliness
Tom and I spent the day cleaning, and it has felt so good. The last two days were really rough for me. It all started Thursday morning around 1:00 am when I realized orientation started Thursday at 10:00 not Friday. Orientation was fine, but exhausting- far too many hours of being talked at. I came…
Pictures Galore!
I’ve had a request for pictures. So I was a bit more diligent in taking pictures today, I just kept the camera in my back pocket and snapped through out the day as I checked items of my to do list. Here’s the pictures with a short description of what they’re of.This is one of…
House inspiration
Last night Tom and I were invited over to Marilyn and Jason Kiene’s house for dinner. We had a wonderful time, and really enjoyed the delicious food (cabbage rolls!), the great conversation, but most of all the much needed inspiration for our house. Marilyn and Jason bought a bank owned house a year ago and…
Alma 34: 17-32
I was asked to speak in church on Alma 34:17-32. I gave the talk yesterday at church. I was a little nervous about it, as I don’t know many people in this ward. I had noticed last week that due to the large number of children in this ward, most people don’t seem to be…