Update: Reporting a rise back to "normal"
Perhaps the only thing I remember from college orientation was this advice. “At some point during college you are all going to call your parents and tell them that everything is going horribly, you hate college, or you feel like you’re failing, or something. Do me a favor- and when things have turned around and…
I love it when I swing through Goodwill quick and come out with just what I was looking for. Durable binders- brand new. Running shoes for Scotland. And tempura paint- well didn’t go in looking for that but. . .
Decorating doldrums
Perhaps it’s the change of weather, the fact that it’s dark so much earlier, that my shades are drawn longer, or that we’re inside more, but I’ve felt an overwhelming desire to decorate my house. To make it cozy, inviting. To make it- me. I pulled out the frames, the nails, the hammer, determined to make…
Changing perspectives
annoying-playful obnoxious- curious over-active- energetic, lively chatterbox- social poorly dressed- independent pompous- confident misbehavior- misunderstood I’ve been surprised at how changing my view of some of Scotland’s behaviors/characteristics can completely alter my feelings towards him. Words are powerful. When I see Scotland’s endless questions as innocent curiosity, a thirst for knowledge, a sign that I am raising a…
Choosing difficulty
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5 I’ve been thinking about the benefits of hardship lately. I naturally waffle between choosing the harder way and striving for a “more gentle life” (as Tom puts it). I recently read, or rather, listened to, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the…
My baby is 9 months!
Swinging in Klamath Falls There’s something special about the nine month mark- it means he’s been out as long as he was in. To me Anders feels like he’s 18 months old. Because that’s how long he has been on my thoughts, part of our life, in my heart. If I were to choose a…
Things I love
I love how Anders crawls down to his brothers, first thing, after waking up from a nap. I love how he lays splayed out on his belly while taking a break from crawling and taps one foot, because he enjoys the sound. I love his opened mouth smile and joyous clapping. I love when Scotland snuggles…
A follow up post
Last night after writing yesterdays post I had a soulful prayer session. I was reminded of this Mormon Message that Tom shared with me a few weeks ago. https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/mormon-messages/mormon-messages-2014?lang=eng I started to list the wonderful things I’d done that day: spoon fed pancakes to Anders, even though he could have eaten them himself- just to have…
Admitting low points
I haven’t been blogging much lately. Too often at the end of the day when I would normally blog I decide to instead hang out with Tom, or the thoughts that are streaming through my head seem too negative to share, or I’m just to fried to write anything meaningful. I’d say in my current…
Anders' 8 month milestones
Busy, busy busy. He’s pulling himself up on everything, getting into anything. He was coloring on the walls the other day. As a result, he is typically very happy just playing. The water level has risen, significantly. Scotland is learning that he has to keep his precious things up- and that coloring, and any paper…