Swinging in Klamath Falls
There’s something special about the nine month mark- it means he’s been out as long as he was in. To me Anders feels like he’s 18 months old. Because that’s how long he has been on my thoughts, part of our life, in my heart. If I were to choose a theme song for Anders it would be “You are my sunshine.”
Selfie- not really
He’s near constant smiles, and quick to sparkle eyes make him a joy to parent. I love how he hugs me with his arms squeezed in between he and I’s chests. I love how he lights up and speed crawls, panting like a puppy when he sees me.
adoring his brother
I love how observant he is of all the Scotland does, how we waves his hands and swings his feet when he sees him- (especially when he knows he’s in the safety of my arms!) I love watching him discover and experiment with the world around him. He’s particularly drawn to age-INappropriate toys- the things he sees Scotland entranced by- sticks, colored pencils, coins. He’s pulling himself up on everything- he walked behind the bike he pulled himself up for a few steps yesterday. He can stand by himself, holding nothing, for a good 30 seconds if the conditions are right.
Excited about the food truck in Portland.
He eats as much food as Scotland, and prefers what we’re eating, not some separate mash.
Loving library story hour
He’s very social and loves it when Scotland’s friends are over or when we’re out and about and he can test just how many grandma’s he can light up with his smiles.
He’s sleeping well, a 45minute nap in the morning, a near two hour nap in the afternoon, and then he prefers to be in bed by 6:00pm.
Playing with dump trucks at Grandma’s
He’s communicating so much more clearly now. He’ll come and start climbing up my leg when he’s ready for his nap. If I put him off for too long he’ll start giving me open mouthed kisses. It’s obvious when he’s unhappy with what I’m feeding him, and he’s clear when he’s done eating. (Which is always much later than you’d think!) He can grunt so loud its incredulous when he’s hungry- or when the food isn’t coming fast enough. He knows that either I’ll come to the rescue or Scotland will stop if he gives a good wail when Scotland is harassing him, so he jumps to that reaction more quickly. He’s learning to push Scotland away, and grunt if he’s unhappy with how he’s being treated. He loves to squeal, make a popping sound by sucking both lips and releasing them, buzzing his lips, and recently acquired a convincing growl. He can say ma, da, ga and several other sounds. He’s waiving at people now, and I could have swore he said “Hi” to someone the other day. He often crawls to me saying “mamama” But I can’t be sure he’s actually addressing me.
He loves the bath, and tipped himself so strongly over the side of the tub trying to get in the other day that I had to catch him and pull him back- otherwise he would have went in head first! He loves dogs. And continues to be totally tickled by our Joy School puppet. He recognizes his name.
Quality time with Dad
He’s a bit mischievous. Already if he’s caught doing something he’ll look at me, smile, and take off!
He has two teeth. Is wearing 12-18 month clothes and is near 22lbs. He has a rotund belly, chunky thighs, and the cutest little dimples you ever did see. We love our little Anderoo. He is my sunshine. I”m not sure I’ve ever smiled more on a daily basis.