Busy, busy busy. He’s pulling himself up on everything, getting into anything. He was coloring on the walls the other day. As a result, he is typically very happy just playing. The water level has risen, significantly. Scotland is learning that he has to keep his precious things up- and that coloring, and any paper work is best done at the dining room table.
He’s switched from outright screaming when he wakes up, to a sweet and pathetic whimper, that totally plays on my heart strings.
Fascinated by wheels. He’ll hold the little hot wheels in his hand, turn them over and spin their wheels with the other hand. He chased me all over while I was vacuuming the other day trying to grab the wheels. He pushes over Scotland’s rideable “fire truck” so he can spin the wheels.
Eating off the floor. Oh the treats you can find! (He also chases me around when I’m sweeping, hoping to snag a snack or two.)
Arching. Flipping. Pushing off. He knows what he wants, and he knows how to get it. When he doesn’t want to be held, he’s nearly impossible to contain. I’m amazed at his strength, and speed. He’ll be sitting sweetly on my lab as I type at the computer and then all of a suddenly launch himself up and over the desk to palm my keyboard or grab the mouse.
Eater. He continues to want food at a steady rate. He’s getting picky and can be quite the complainer when I give him things he doesn’t want. He’ll sink back in his chair and gripe, closing his mouth. It’s hilarious. He wants what we’re eating, and if his food looks different, he’s unhappy about it. He loves bread. He’s quite good at finger foods, and gumming down large pieces of food. I can hand him an apple slice, and he’ll be content for sometime.
Smiley, smiley, smiley. He has a great sense of humor, and gives these adorable squeals when he’s excited or thinks something is fun. He’ll often pant as he crawls super fast to get to something, or if he gets excited, he’ll pant and flap his arms up and down.
He loves when I hold him and we chase Scotland. He can ride on Scotland’s fire truck now, which they both think is great fun.
Super sensitive sleeper. Tom made him a white noise machine (yes, made) in hopes of improving the situation. Anders will often wake up if Scotland just runs down the hall past his room. Its mostly a problem with naps. He sleeps great at night. Going to bed between 6:00 and 7:00 and sleeping until his 5:30 feeding, and then back to bed until 7:30ish.
He’s wearing 12-18mo clothes. I eagerly pulled out some of the 12 mo. clothes I loved on Scotland for Anders to wear (like the adorable gray skinny jeans from Mary) only to realize they were too small already! I feel like he’s doubled in weight this past week, he’s SO heavy!