Happy birthday from my nephews Dallin, Bryce, and neice Claire!
Yesterday, I turned 27. I can’t say the age feels particularly significant. Though, its placement in the year seems poignant- considering the changes that are sweeping over us. I guess 27 is a more appropriate age to learn to drive in Seattle traffic, to take up urban living, to sell a home, to buy a second home, and to hopefully have a second child. Despite our continued attempts to reflect on the past year, we kept finding ourselves talking about how significant and crazy my 29th year will be. I have much to look forward to.
It was a lovely birthday, I lingered in bed reading an article on my phone, then Scotter and Tom “woke” me up with tickles. We went down and had, per request, a lovely green smoothie for breakfast followed by a family run. Tom surprised me with the gift of his iPad, that he had woken up early to get all set up for me! Later we went to lunch at Indian Flame, explored the new contemporary Art museum, enjoyed the the GORGEOUS 75 degree day, and hit the mall to try on some rain boots. On our way back home we took advantage of free cone day at Ben and Jerry’s and then I headed off to work. Tom made me a yummy salad for dinner and we enjoyed late night chocolate cake and candles. Best of all Scotland wished me Happy Birthday about 100 times throughout the day. That combined with copious amounts of well wishes by Facebook, text and phone I felt overwhelmingly loved. Thank you.
When I reflected on the morsel of wisdom I most wanted to take from this past year, I remembered a moment several months ago. I had just put Scotland down for his nap, and rather then rushing around picking up, cleaning, doing projects, I sat down in the light of the window and read my scriptures. This was a particularly stressful time for me. We were in the throws of interview season, we were preparing our home to sell, I was getting ready to leave for a six week absence. I felt overwhelmed by all the following six months would require of me, and mostly I felt confounded by the amount of uncertainty that I faced. How would Tom’s interiews go? How should we rank Residencies? How much should we do to prepare our home to sell? How long would it take? Where would we move? The questions spiraled around and around. It was in this state of internal perplexity and uneasiness that I sought a moment of spirituality. As I read the verses I prayed for God’s spirit to be with me, and quite miraculously, it came and with it and immense peace. A peace that changed my entire perspective. I went from feeling pessimistic, worried and stressed to feeling joyful, confident and excited. The words of an apostle rang in my ears “Your future is as bright as your faith!”
The event is simple. It took place in a matter of minutes. But it was a miracle to me. I couldn’t have changed my entire perspective so quickly. The fact that I can remember the feeling, the setting, the peace so vividly, even now, is a sign to me.
So, what have I learned in my 28th year? I’ve learned that even in the most anxious and stressful of times we can feel complete peace if we seek the presence of the Comforter. This next year poises to be very intense- a move to a new city, an endlessly working husband, hopefully another pregnancy, likely another fixer-upper, and an active toddler. But with this knowledge I feel confident, excited. Bring it on!
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
-Jesus Christ, John 14:27