Happy Easter! We were fortunate to have a gorgeous Easter weekend. The weather was warm and sunny Friday and Saturday, though a bit rainy and gray Sunday. We enjoyed coloring eggs on Saturday, and enjoyed egg sandwiches, an egg hunt and a delicious Easter dinner with friends on Sunday. Tom carried on his tradition of hiding some eggs inside, so through out the day Monday Scotland would find an egg hid away and say “Chocolate!” He would then carefully open the egg and eat one peanut M&M and share the second with whoever was near by.
Awaiting the hunt
I had wanted to purchase Scotland a little Easter outfit, but couldn’t justify it. I was thrilled when I realized this little suit Lauren had handed down would fit him. He looked so dapper.
Our guests: Cassandra and Ollie Griffin, Anne and Brandon Evans, and Myrtle Alexander
I wish I would have gotten a close up of the meal, because it was lovely and delicious. Our menu consisted of: Honey glazed ham (thanks Evans), roasted red potatoes, grilled asparagus, Arugula and Radicchio Salad, Popovers and Lemon Bars.
This felt like our first real family Easter. Last year Scotland didn’t seem to quite “get it.” But this year he listened intently to the story of Christ’s suffering on the cross and resurrection. I felt so grateful for the opportunity to share my testimony with him, in such a simple basic way. “Jesus Christ suffered and was resurrected so that we can live together forever. In the garden he felt all of our sadness and fear so that he can understand us and be there for us when we need Him.” I loved watching the nursery children wave their scarf “palm fronds” as we sang “Easter Hosanna.” I felt honored to be married to a husband who invited all present at our Easter table to share their feelings about Christ. I’m grateful for the feeling of warmth and determination I felt as Ben Nutter gave one of the more heartfelt and emotional sermons I’ve heard on Easter.
I know my Savior lives!
One response to “Easter 2013”
I saw Scotter at church on Easter Sunday. He really did look so handsome. I loved the light-colored Spring suit.