Happy 10 Years to Us!
In June, Tom and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. By sheer serendipity we were in Victoria for the Foutz family reunion- the very place we honeymooned. It was sweet to get to re-live some of the emotions I felt that first week of marriage, and then to lay them against my emotions today.…
Tom and I have been talking about moving a lot these last few months. With applications and interviews for fellowship positions occurring, we’ve been forced to face the future. We love so many things about living in Seattle, but different training opportunities for Tom and a lower cost of living are forcing us to look else where.…
Vocal Cross training
I’ve taken voice lessons from elite college and conservatory professors for a decade, and yet for the most part I was never taught to use my chest voice. I was certainly never encouraged to bring my chest voice up. The emphasis was always on mixing. This weekend I attended a NATS conference on Vocal Cross Training and…
Equality in parenting
My sister-in-law sent this article around our family a few days ago. I have many thoughts about it, but haven’t had a chance to share them. I’ll do so here. This article may be true for many couples. But I’m not sure it can be accurately said of mine. I think my husband’s job very…
Congrats, Dr. Foutz
I rarely think of my husband as a doctor. He’s a year in and it still surprises me when he comes home in scrubs. And yet as I write this post, and think about how he spends those long 80 hour work weeks, I feel so proud. Tom completed his first year of Residency. He…
Always wanted voice lessons? Now's your chance!
I’m starting up my singing studio again. (I’ve been on long hiatus since we moved here- being pregnant, having a new child, etc.) If you hear of anyone who is interested in voice/singing lessons please feel free to give them my contact information. (kjirsti.foutz@gmail.com) That being said, if you are interested, I’d love to give…
Making the most of it
Tom is required to get four days off a month- that is not in addition to weekends. And he’s just been meeting his requirement the last few months. Scotter wakes up nearly every morning, asking for his Dad only to cry when I tell him, that I’m sorry, he’s at work. You can’t imagine a…
Recognizing accomplishment
I’ve been feeling a bit down on myself lately. I guess I just haven’t felt like my list of accomplishments has been very admirable. My sister Adee pointed out, that I should stop calling myself “lazy,” when I visited a few weeks ago. And yet, that’s how I’ve been feeling. Too often, it seems I’ve…
Soaking up Cleveland
My emotions have been strange these past weeks. I tend to be quick to cry- be I happy, sad, or angry. I just have over-active tear ducts. That being said, they’ve been particularly refined these past weeks. I had my final student voice recital Friday- no tears. I cried my eyes out a few years…
Blogging- stepping it up
Every few months I get this overwhelming urge to blog more seriously. It started yesterday and now at 3:00 AM I find myself jazzed and unable to sleep. I must write. Last night, Tom helped me install Google Adsense and VigLink. During nap hours and late into the night I poured over articles about increasing…