Edible berries
I've recently become obsessed with local free food. Maybe I'm moving down the freegan path, or maybe it's that our food budget is stretched thin. Probably, I'm just overwhelmed by how much produce is abundant in public areas here. Just today as Scotter and I went for a walk we found a plum tree with…
Summer with Scotter
Awaiting the Wallingford Parade So far, Scotland has proved to be an excited and adventurous summer companion. He loves bouncing from playground to playground, zoo to library, and then off to city festivals and local attractions. His energy and need for movement have brought us out of the house and on to the streets…
Happy 6th Anniversary
At one of the highest lakes in the world! Last Saturday was Tom and I’s 6th Anniversary. By total luck/fortune, Tom got the day off work (actually the entire weekend off work!) We spent the morning at Pike’s Place Market enjoying a potato and cheddar Piroshky from that famed Piroshky Piroshky Bakery, fresh mini donuts…
Scotland Updates: 28 months
This is very much a documenting/journaling post. It’s long, and overly specific for my memory’s sake. I haven’t posted an update on Scotland for quite some time, which is such a shame, becuase he’s at such a fun age. His speech grows in complexity and vocabulary by the day. Playground in the rain These are…
Strawberry Picking
On Saturday we went strawberry picking at Biringer Farms. The day was gorgeous, the strawberries ripe, and the scents incredible! I grew up picking strawberries in my back yard so paying to do so, always feels, well very city-slicker-ish. But this was worth every scent. For one, it was Tom’s first experience picking strawberries (besides…
Memorial Day
My parents and sisters came up Memorial Day weekend to help us move in, which was a HUGE help. Monday, however, we decided to abandon our work, and enjoy the holiday in downtown Seattle. One of the best choices we made was to take the bus in. It allowed my Dad especially to enjoy the…
Easter 2013
Happy Easter! We were fortunate to have a gorgeous Easter weekend. The weather was warm and sunny Friday and Saturday, though a bit rainy and gray Sunday. We enjoyed coloring eggs on Saturday, and enjoyed egg sandwiches, an egg hunt and a delicious Easter dinner with friends on Sunday. Tom carried on his tradition of…
NYC- Aunt Adi and Uncle Jeremy
It’s been a whirlwind week for us. With the reality of our imminent move to the West coast we decided to capitilize on Tom’s time off, and our nearness to Adi and Cass and drive out and visit them one last time before we head off. We were nervous about the 20 hours of driving,…
Conversations with Scotland
I love that Scotland carries on conversations now. He also comes up with funny observations. Last week he was out visiting teaching with me. Mary started asking him a few questions. At one point she asked, “Are you a big boy?” Scotland looked at her for several moments- with his big open-eyed thinking face and…
Scotland's Milestones: 2 years old!
Sometimes I get this powerful desire to share my son with my Mother. I wish we could see her rmore often. I’m so thrilled that she and Scotland are going to get two weeks together to bond and create memories here in a few months. -Books. Scotland has finally taken a interest in books. We…