On Saturday we went strawberry picking at Biringer Farms. The day was gorgeous, the strawberries ripe, and the scents incredible! I grew up picking strawberries in my back yard so paying to do so, always feels, well very city-slicker-ish. But this was worth every scent. For one, it was Tom’s first experience picking strawberries (besides form our tiny Cleveland patch) and Scotland was in heaven eating one bite out of every strawberry he picked, and putting the rest in the basket!
Look how RED those berries are! They were red through and through and hands down the best strawberries I have ever tasted. I’m not exaggerating.
Two happy boys
Scotland is fascinated by farms. He calls his Poppa Pete a “farmer” with great adoration. And we refer to my parents 4 acre lot as “The Farm.” He spent two weeks there while we were in China, and he misses it SO much. We’re heading there this weekend, and everyday he asks “Grandma’s?!” I’m afraid our lack of backyard isn’t suiting his style.
We picked $20 worth, which about made my stomach lurch until we got home and started eating them, and eating them, and eating them. They went over yogurt, were eaten for snacks, made incredible milkshakes, and late night indulgences. Now I’m wishing we’d picked twice that many!