Moments like this. . .
Several weeks ago Scotland and I had a “moment.” One of those times I wished I could stamp in my memory for ever with all its smiles, laughs, and emotions. It was a simple thing- we shared a smoothie. I squatted in the middle of the kitchen and he stood in front of me. I…
Scotland's Milestones: 18 mo
One of Scotland’s favorites is to sit on our shoulders and run around the yard. He’ll come up to me point to my head then say “Ahee?” – his version of outside. I’ve found my reports on Scotland are slowing, perhaps because he is developing so fast now, I can’t keep up with it all.…
Parenting 200
I have the feeling I just got enrolled in Parenting 200.
Our serious, sensitive, squatting Scotter!
I love this picture I took the other day of Scotland. It shows several things about him: First that he often has this brows-lowered serious look. He’s a thinker. Second, that he loves his stuffed animals and is often seen giving them loves. Third, that he’s a squatter, he rarely sits- but rather squats.
Scotland asks me questions all day long. He’ll jabber a long sentence ending in an elevated tone to signal a question and then look at me intently. I look back at him, deer-in-the-headlights. How do I respond? If I wait too long he’ll ask the question again. Usually I say, “Oh!” or “Sure” but I’m…
Tonight, after coming home with bags of incredibly, fresh produce from my CAS, City Fresh I whipped together a Potato and Corn Salad that was delightful. The corn, was the best I’ve had in years. I purposefully picked the long skinny ears, knowing those would be less starchy. (I’m really not into starchy corn. Yuck!) They…
Faces: 17.5 months
A few Scotland stories least I forget: Scotter has started to cry when people leave. Yesterday, he started to cry when Tom got ready to leave for work. Tom picked him up for one last hug. Immediately Scotter turned his head towards the door and with his back to me, used his back hand to…
It's coming. . .
This morning Scotter and I were talking about getting him breakfast. He pointed to his high chair, indicating he was ready to eat. I told him I’d be right back and ran downstairs to get something, when I came back up he was in his high chair. “Oh my goodness Scotland how on earth did you…
Scotland Milestones: 16 months
I keep thinking This is the best age ever, and then it just gets better. Though better isn’t the right word. Because I still love and miss the tiny new born age. I miss those first smiles. I miss those long feedings when I held him in my arms and read. But I adore his…
Family Home Video: Six hand piano trio
So I meant to post this a few weeks ago, and apparently it failed to upload to Youtube and then I forgot about it. It’s just too funny to pass up, so here it is. Here’s our fun loving, high energy, music loving boy: (This is clearly unedited. If you don’t have the full 4…