A jumbled rambling Valentines Day post
Ready for the oven Today was truly a love-filled day for us. It started out with a relaxed playful morning with Scotland. We jumped on the bed, raced around the house, wrestled while he got dressed, and enjoyed heart-shaped pancakes. Then we went on a walk/run with my besty Claire. She sat down and played…
I dedicated today to intent mothering. In otherwords Scotter was my myside all day today, doing puzzles, playing with trains, switching the laundry, putting away the dishes, going to the art and children’s museum and making dinner. All through dinner prep Scotter stood, on a chair, by my side. He happily chattered on smiling and…
Art Museum: Balloon exhibit
Scotter and I took advantage of the beautiful 60 degree day yesterday to hit Wade Oval reflection pond and the art museum. We were delighted to see the new attrium that opened a few weeks ago, experience the new balloon exhibit and see the Wari art exhibit. I felt sentimental yesterday, thinking of how much…
Fall in Cleveland
With the thought that this is likely our last fall in Cleveland, I’ve felt a real desire to capture the fall experience here. Scotland loves jumping in the HUGE leaf piles. One of the things I love most about motherhood is modeling. I love that I showed Scotland the joy of walking through leaves, that…
Momma's little helper
I’m learning there is an art to incorporating your child into your day’s work. In fact I think it would make a great book: “100 ways to make your toddler a working member of the household.” Here’s one of my latest. Let you child sit on the edge of the sink, their bare feet dangling…
Parenting 200
I have the feeling I just got enrolled in Parenting 200.
Scotland asks me questions all day long. He’ll jabber a long sentence ending in an elevated tone to signal a question and then look at me intently. I look back at him, deer-in-the-headlights. How do I respond? If I wait too long he’ll ask the question again. Usually I say, “Oh!” or “Sure” but I’m…
Tonight, after coming home with bags of incredibly, fresh produce from my CAS, City Fresh I whipped together a Potato and Corn Salad that was delightful. The corn, was the best I’ve had in years. I purposefully picked the long skinny ears, knowing those would be less starchy. (I’m really not into starchy corn. Yuck!) They…
Live the dream
The past week I was in a bit of a funk. I was just spinning my wheels. I kept feeling like I need to make lists and organize my life, but doing so only made me more stressed and overwhelmed. While I felt “busy” I wan’t doing anything of much importance. After a couple days…
Happy 1st birthday Scotland!
Scotter turned one yesterday. As a result of all three of us being sick, the fact that we just got back from vacation, and my needing to teach all day, we didn’t celebrate. We’ll do that Saturday. Here’s to hoping we’re all feeling better. (Scotter’s the sickest he’s ever been with double ear infections and…