Scotter turned one yesterday. As a result of all three of us being sick, the fact that we just got back from vacation, and my needing to teach all day, we didn’t celebrate. We’ll do that Saturday. Here’s to hoping we’re all feeling better. (Scotter’s the sickest he’s ever been with double ear infections and a nasty cold.)
I’m having a hard time verbalizing how I feel right now. I’m full of emotion. But, perhaps because of my severe headcold, my mind feels cloudy. I’ll do my best.
The anniversary of Scotland’s birth, has lead me to think back over the year and specificially to the events surrounding his birth. My eyes moistened last night as I thought that at that time a year ago I was so weak I couldn’t get out of bed to pick up my crying baby in the crib next to me. I thought about his natural birth: one of the more humbling, though empowering events in my life. I thought about this past year and how it has changed me. I can’t say this year has flown by, because it hasn’t. I feel like I have been fully immersed, living in each moment. I’m grateful to be able to look back without regrets.
A friend once called the first year of her first child’s life the “honeymoon,” and I couldn’t agree more. There are many people to thank for this:
-My Heavenly Father: for sending me a sweet, happy, independent child and blessing me with feelings of peace, and powerful affirmations of the importance of motherhood.
-My husband: for supporting and facilitating my ability to be home with Scotland, work, pursue hobbies, and get out with my friends. For his constant optimism and ability to see the good in all situations.
-Scotland: for being patient, happy, curious, interactive, social, and independent.
-My mother: for giving me ample opportunities to experience “motherhood” as a teenager. For her example of a devoted and passionate mother
-Sabina and Brigette: for being willing to talk about everything, anytime
-Claire: for getting me back in shape, creating a time for me to be just me- with Scotland in the stroller. For great conversation.
There are many others who have added their influence, but these seven stand out. Thanks to you, I have had one of the most full, sublime years of my life. Here’s to another!
One response to “Happy 1st birthday Scotland!”
I Love the silhouette! It really captures how playful he is. Great work darling!