Last weekend, Tom and I headed off to Boston for a long weekend to spend some time with his two sisters and their families. We had a wonderful time, even though sickness threw a wrench in things. We had a great time playing with Archer. We were amazed at how much clearer his speech was…
Happy 1st birthday Scotland!
Scotter turned one yesterday. As a result of all three of us being sick, the fact that we just got back from vacation, and my needing to teach all day, we didn’t celebrate. We’ll do that Saturday. Here’s to hoping we’re all feeling better. (Scotter’s the sickest he’s ever been with double ear infections and…
Dave Rigg's Photography
I mention this in the below post, but you really must check out Dave Rigg’s photography- if you want to see a bunch of darling pictures of our boy. Dave is Tom’s twin cousin growing up- they were inseparable. He’s an incredible artist, and dear friend. He just went around shooting these as we were…
Christmas 2011
I struggle to write posts about vacations. Travelogues bore me, but I want to document memories. The fact that those that participated in these experiences will likely read this, only adds to the difficulty. There’s the opportunity to publicly express gratitude for those who took us in and provided fun experiences, but then maybe thank…
Goodbye to Moses Lake
On Monday my parents bid goodbye to my childhood home. The move has been a year and a half in the coming, so it didn’t really strike me until a few days later when I was sending some letters home. I had to call my Mom to ask her address. The oft repeated address of…
Pre-Thanksgiving Fun
Last week was full of friends and family, just like any Thanksgiving holiday should be. It started off with a Pre-Thanksgiving luncheon with some dear friends: Mable Williams, Myrtle Alexander, Mary Pickett, Emily Wagner and her friend Nina. It was lovely to take the opportunity to get together as friends and enjoy a good meal.…
Poppa Foutz visits Cleveland
Scotter spent Saturday morning with Poppa. He was half way through his feeding and just up from his nap in this picture, so pardon the “just hurry up and take the picture so I can eat” look. Wednesday night Papa Foutz came into town on his way home from blessing our new little neice Amelia…
Happy Halloween!
I don’t have much time, so it’ll be mostly pictures this time. Scotland’s been sick all week with a cold. Hence, the enthusiastic faces in these shots. Fall continues to linger, and I’m loving it. The City of Shaker Heights planted hundered of mums this year. Scotter also cut his second top tooth. I figured…
Holden Arboretum
“A Gift for Mom:” This was Tom’s catch, and the winner of the day. After seven years in the area we finally made it to the Holden Arboretum. It’s one of the largest arborteum/botanical gardens in the United States. So while we enjoyed several hours there we only saw a slice. We’ll definitely be going…
Home, Sweet, Home
Last night Scotland and I arrived home from a 10 day visit to see my sisters in Utah. We had a wonderful time, and accomplished some of what we set out to do. There is always more but, as I am slowly learning, having a child severely restricts how much one is able to accomplish…