LIbrary friends
Yesterday, Scotland and I were hanging out at the library- taking a break from our hot house. I sat down on the couch in the children’s play area hoping to scan a few pages of the two books I checked out while Scotland played. There was a circle of 5 little black girls sitting on…
PhD Graduation
I wish that Tom could be the one posting on this event, but his time is simply taken up. I’ll do my best. Sunday, Tom graduated from Case Western Reserve University with his PhD in Biomedical engineering. His Phd Advisor and boss Cameron Macintyre hooded him. It was an inspiring event. Seeing the lines of…
Friday: Family Fun
We like to say Friday is Family Fun and Saturday is Date night, typically that means Friday evening we focus on doing fun things with Scotland, but last Friday Tom took the whole day off and we headed out for a staycation. We spend the morning in Tremont a west-side suburb of Cleveland, visiting some…
Family Fun-
Tom had a more flexible week last week, so we took advantage of it and headed to the Children’s museum for the first time. Scotland was mostly entranced by two different ramps they had, but I was impressed by the assortment of activities available. He’s still a bit young for some of it- there’s a…
Easter and Brayley's
I uploaded the pictures from my camera and realized I failed to blog on some fun events! I’m nearing the end of nap time, so, this will be a quick picto-log of some fun happenings around here: Yes, we celebrated Easter. The Saturday before we attended the ward egg hunt. Scotland was thrilled with the…
Sunday- blogging day
Tom has had to work the last two Sundays, but today he is off! It was so wonderful to sit by him at church and be able to share Scotland’s wiggles. Tom’s work schedule has been intense, 70+ hour weeks. He probably saw Scotland for a total of five hours last week. I won’t claim…
Sisters' Weekend!
So it’s been a week since I arrived home. . . I’ll blame Scotland’s broken collarbone on my negligence in blogging thus far. Not to mention I always find blogging about family events rather awkward, as the main reason I blog is for said family. Alas, for my own remembrance: I went a week early…
Backing up- Zoo with the Athen Petes
Okay this is for my own record keeping. This is about a MONTH late. But the pictures were too cute to pass up. Last month we met up with Trevor, Lauren and their kids for an afternoon of zoo and BBQ in Colombus. Was Scotter’s hair really this long? Wowza! Tom’s the best dad ever.…
Shopping Fun
Today, I had my first real shopping cart “fun” with Scotland. He stood up in the seat, so I pulled him out “for a minute.” When the time came for me to check out, I needed to put him back in the seat. I literally couldn’t get him in. He was holding on to the…
I don’t do a very good job of covering what Tom is up to on this blog. I want to be better at including his side of the story. However, I can’t resist documenting this “review.” Cameron McIntyre one of the leader researchers in the field of deep brain stimulation described Tom this way in…