Category: Life

  • How things change

    Who would have thought that I would be hoping for rain?!After performing several transplants I have found myself hoping for rain. Perhaps having a yard will help me celebrate the abundance of rain in Cleveland!

  • Sailing on Lake Erie

       Tom has sailed the last three summers. He loves it and looks forward to it every week. Yesterday I accompanied him for the first time. It was a gorgeous fall day: sunny, warm, with a gentle cool breeze. Tom talked the entire way to the marina, he told me what to expect, ran through…

  • Goal- finish drywalling the kitchen

    This weekend was free of scheduled activities, with sailing being the exception. As a result Tom and I got a lot done on the house. Friday we spent the evening working in the yard- transplanting peonies, planting the rest of my bulbs (160 total!), weeding, and removing bricks and large rocks. We made a lot…

  • You know you're life's crazy if. . .

    -You refer to things that happened that morning, as happening yesterday. -You’re delighted when some one gives you skittles because that means you’ll have “dinner” -You consider sleeping until 7:00 sleeping in. -You start wishing their were pills that worked as food supplements so you wouldn’t have to worry about making lunches. -You fall asleep…

  • Babies!

    Tom and I have had an abundance of friends and relatives having babies lately. Congratulations to Ceci and Dave, Derek and Audrey, Reid and Cindi, Andrea, Terri, Dominica and any one else I missed!

  • Fall

    About a month ago, Tom and I were at Costco. I was surprised to see that in September they already had their fall wreaths and decorations out. I guess when I categorize months I would probably label September as a “fall” month, but the abruptness of it’s arrival shocked and annoyed me. I was not…

  • Weekend warriors

    Tom and I attacked the house again this weekend. Friday night Tom scrubbed down the ceiling of the kitchen. (Which is such a disgusting job, because the gooey adhesive drips all down your arms- and just all over you in general. And then you just scrub and wipe and scrub and wipe- all above your…

  • Mmm fresh grass

    I mowed our lawn yesterday! We have actually never mowed our lawn before because it was growing so poorly. It looks so green and fresh now- as if inviting us out to picnic. I raked up all the leaves and branches that had blown onto our yard from the terrific wind storm we had last…

  • Friends and Family

    The last two weeks have been rich with friends and family. Last weekend, we went to Athens to visit Trevor, Lauren and their two boys, Bryce and Dallin. We had so much fun playing soccer, visiting the farmer’s market, and going for a hike by a beautiful lake. We were delighted to see the progress…

  • Inspired Callings

    Thanks to all of you who offered such support and enthusiasm last week after my announcement that we would be teaching seminary. Our first week went off well. I am so grateful for this opportunity to study the scriptures in a new way. I can’t describe how fulfilling it has been to have the life…