You know you're life's crazy if. . .

-You refer to things that happened that morning, as happening yesterday.
-You’re delighted when some one gives you skittles because that means you’ll have “dinner”
-You consider sleeping until 7:00 sleeping in.
-You start wishing their were pills that worked as food supplements so you wouldn’t have to worry about making lunches.
-You fall asleep within one minute of lying down.
-You don’t have time to shave your armpits.
-Your eyebrows are growing in thick everywhere!
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!

2 responses to “You know you're life's crazy if. . .”

  1. You’re not crazy, you’re just a wife, student, and seminary teacher!!! 🙂 I am about to start school soon too…should be interesting with a 2 student/working part time house hold…Hope all things are well!! You guys are amazing!

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